sanaraheel789 POV Prologue

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Y/N: Anya Hadin
E/C: Golden-Brown
Y/H: 5ft. 4 inches
H/C Long straight black hair, below the hips.
Weapons: Bow & arrows, twin Elvish swords, set of knives & daggers
Traits: Honest & humble.

Just so you know before I begin you may receive slow updates. Using wi-fi so to speak. Hopefully you enjoy this, I will try to make it less boring & forgive my grammer. Vote & comment, plz!

It was well past midnight, as I made my way through the streets of Bree, it was raining that night. I received a message from a friend Gandalf the Grey, urgently wanting to meet me. It has been quite a long time since we met. I stopped in front of a pub The Prancing Pony, been here a few times whenever I travel. A few people going about here & there minding their own business. As I was about to enter a stranger was exiting the premises bumping against me. He seemed quite short almost reaching my shoulders, I could not see his face for it was hidden underneath his hood. Without bothering to stop or apologize I shrugged & headed into the pub. It was warm inside what with many people about, there not far from the entrance sat a familiar figure with his back towards me but I could recognize him anywhere. Slowly, I made my way in front of him, removed my hood & smiled at him.
Gandalf: "Ah! Anya, my dear, I see you received my message. On time too I see."
Anya: "Indeed I did & just in time I was beginning to get bored out of my skull wandering around aimlessly. Finally an adventure is just the medicine to cure me."
Gandalf:(Chuckling)"Just like your father, child. God bless his soul."
Anya: "You know its in my blood, Gandalf. Its like until we do not achieve our fulfilment we are completely lost. I feel that this venture might fill that emptiness which is in my soul."
Gandalf, as he smoked his Old Toby kept looking at me as if understanding this loss I've been feeling for years. He was a good friend & an advisor, in all these years I have known him. He had rescued me from the darkness & took me to new heights, to become a better person & stronger. He also saved my oldest brother from near death. Both of us in our own way had gone to great ordeals to overcome our tragic past & move on, well at least my brother did, Thank goodness. Now I have been chosen for this mission by Gandalf. A quest to reclaim a homeland.

436 words!

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