101 (252) Ways To Use Duck/Duct Tape (Origional name was DUCK TAPE not DUCT TAPE)

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46. Contraceptive device.

47. Climbing rope.

48. Earrings.

49. Cover old pocket folders -- lasts forever!

50. Shoe designs.

51. Girdle.

52. Sealing envelopes (in case you hate the taste of envelope glue).

53. Replacement for airplane glue.

54. For store owners: great way to keep the wigs on mannequins.

55. Seat belts that'll REALLY keep the kids still.

56. Closing chip bags.

57. Make the stapler obsolete!

58. Putting up Christmas lights (easy removal).

59. Why bother with waxing...

60. Add several layers to your car's bumpers for a much safer ride.

61. Fix vacuum cleaner hose.

62. Tape ski boot to your ski when the binding breaks.

63. Repair seams of ski gloves.

64. Wrap around your waist when your zipper splits in a one piece ski suit.

65. Lift and separate when you don't want to wear a bra or can't have straps showing.

66. Hold temple onto eye glasses.

67. Fix printer.

68. Make a wallet out of it.

69. Hold car hood shut.

70. Patch hole in canoe.

71. Fixing sets for the school play.

72. Making props look more realistic.

73. Make letter for letter jacket.

74. Hold your letter to your letter jacket.

75. Re-enforce the phone cord.

76. Hold batteries in remote control.

77. Play a CD (reflect a laser beam onto a CD to play it).

78. Stick pictures up in your locker.

79. Fix holes in your Airwalks.

80. Use instead of nail polish.

81. Hold pens together.

82. Belt.

83. Wrap your ankle for sports.

84. Can be used in place of handcuffs.

85. Rings.

86. Hold file cabinet together.

87. Hold shoe laces together.

88. Can replace shoe laces.

89. Can be used in place of Velcro.

90. Write term paper on it.

91. Graduation present.

92. Can be used to put back together a shredded term paper.

93. Stop your jeans from fraying.

94. Hair ties.

95. Hold spikes to your cleats.

96. Make a book shelf.

97. Necklace.

98. Note cards.

99. Remove lint from clothes.

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