Patience and Justice

Start from the beginning

You snuggled appreciatively into the cuddle before you turned around so you could wrap an arm around G's ribs. Your nose pressing against his smooth cheek, G leaned away. Nervously, he chuckled "gettin' a little close for comfort there, sweetheart?"

You looked up into his deep black eye sockets, his white lights staring back down at you. Your mouth twitched, causing him to look down at them. It was quiet, too quiet. There was something in his gaze you just couldn't place and as you were about to say something about how odd it struck you, there was a loud clang on the floor. You jumped, enough to break the grip you two had on each other. The skeleton's eyes lingered on you again before jumping over the couch and cursing as the water was over boiling onto the burner.

You were walking home from Grillby's, the chill air nipping at your skin and breezing into your hair. It was nice, honestly. You loved night walks. That reminded you, you needed to walk Baba tomorrow in the morning. It wouldn't be as much as a hassle now that you didn't have a job. Hahha. Ha.

You anxiously tapped on your phone as you turned the corner. Almost home now, and the steps behind you didn't cease.

You really should have asked Grillby to walk you home again. Regret didn't overfill the fear you felt when the steps got larger in number. You didn't need to look behind you to know your stalker had brought more guys.

They just wouldn't give up on you, would they?

Your hand prodded at your phone in your pocket. You should call someone, anyone. G, preferably, he can get to you fastest if you knew the address. But you knew you weren't going to. You had been avoiding telling him at all, you can't just load it on him so suddenly. He would jump out of his... bones if he knew you hadn't told him and the fact it was still happening to you.

So instead you walked a little faster.

You turned the corner and found more shadows walking for you. Now these people might just be normal pedestrians out on a night walk like you but you were way on edge so you doubted it. Your heart raced as you ran across the road to avoid them all. That's when you got a good view of your followers.

There was one, two.. Four.. Four. Four people following you. You felt yourself become pale and freeze in place. Your house was so, so fucking close and you should run for it but you couldn't move and you hated it. You just stared as they all slowly crept towards you. Fight or flight. Fight or flight.

A man adjusted his grip on his metal bat and you screamed as loud as you could. FLIGHT, FLIGHT, FLI-

You inhaled the rag one of them placed over your nose and you fell to the concrete with a loud thud.


White. It was all white.

While this used to comfort you, now you were scared out of your fucking mind at the void you woke up in. Why the hell were you here? Scrambling around, you brought your knees to your chest. Your breathing came out fast and didn't come in soon enough. You placed a hand on your scalp, scratching and pulling the hair there as you hyperventilate.

Why is this happening to you?

A blue and yellow heart made its appearance clear right in front of your nose. You flinched back, either in fear or surprise. Probably both.

It was still comforting, even when you knew it was dangerous. Maybe you had a horrible sense of judgement, but the heart still soothed you and calmed you down. When your breathing came back to normal, the heart popped away from existence.

Was it there to comfort you? You felt yourself smile. You might be overlooking it, but you relished the feeling that stayed in your chest. Love and support.

Sorry About That (Gaster!Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now