"babe...whats wrong?" he asked, hovering over me. he looked nothing like john. he looked strangely like me. shit. "i...i have a boyfriend," i whimpered. he chuckled. "yeah. i right here," he leaned in to kiss me but i didn't let him. i rolled out of bed, willing my legs to stop shaking as i got to my feet. "where are you going?" he grunted from the bed. i took a long hot shower before putting my clothes back on. he just watched me as i walked out the door. if im lucky, he is passed out drunk in the room. he wont ever know about this. that's for sure.

i made my way back to the room and walked in, only to be hit by the strong smell of sex. i looked around to see kiba sitting on the edge of our bed naked with the cover on his privates sobbing his eyes out into his hands. what the hell?! i looked around. all of his stuff was gone. i walked over to the window. shit! his car was gone too! they started streaming as i looked around for my phone. i grabbed it off the night stand and called him. he didn't pick up. i called and called, sending text after text but he didn't pick up or respond. nothing. shit! he....he saw me didn't he? i sat on the bed, joining kiba in sobbing. what the hell am i gonna do about this? how can i explain to him that this was a mistake? from the looks of it, he just used kiba to take the edge off and disappeared in the morning. shit. i....i don't know what to do!? will he ever forgive--"there you are!" i looked up to see the other guy standing in the doorway. he just walked in, sporting a blue jersey and loose fitting jeans with sneakers. he knelt in front of me, taking my face in his hands. "are you ok? you just stormed off without even talking to me," he whispered. i just met the guy last night and he is acting like he cares about me? "no, im not ok. im no where near ok, kidomaru. my boyfriend caught me cheating on him. do you understand what the means?" i said. "you single, or not cause we are totally dating," he grinned. "do you really not understand what is going on?! i cheated on my boyfriend. i spent the last month getting treated like i meant the world to him. do you have any idea how he is feeling right now?!" i yelled. shit. the more i talk about it, the worst i feel. "i know that he wont talk to you ever again. im not trying to be insensitive, im just being realistic. just....chill with me till he comes around," he said. i sighed. he is probably long gone. all the way back at home probably crying his heart out. seeing me right now might be the worst possible thing right now.

"shit....yeah," i mumbled reluctantly. he smiled. he wiped my tears with his thumbs. "kiba come on! Naruto and hinata are ready to le--" we all looked at shino in the doorway. "why aren't you ready?" he asked. kidomaru stood up, taking my hand, and started leading me out. "don't worry about this guy. i got him," he said to shino as he led me out.

shino pov

i watched them walk out. im....im not even gonna worry about that. i turned my attention back to kiba, who for some reason was still naked on the bed. "get ready or they will leave us!" i motioned for him to hurry up. he wiped his tears and got up, walking straight into the bathroom. wow is there a lot of drama surrounding this john guy. i started back to my room when shika and that guy came back. they ran into the room. they came out, carrying shika's stuff and headed back to the elevator. i just went back into the room and started packing kiba's things, setting out some clothes for him. my phone buzzed again.

hinata: come on or we will leave you!!

me: kiba is taking a quick shower. im getting his stuff together. just give us like 20 more minutes

hinata: 20 minutes and he is pulling off

me: ill drag him out if i have too

i quickly got his stuff together and put them with my bag. ok. now to just wait for kiba.

"why weren't you already ready?" asked hinata. i loaded our stuff in the trunk of Naruto's car and got in the back seat with kiba. "he was...gone when i woke up. all his stuff, his car.....gone," he whimpered. she looked at me. "i found him in john and shika's room butt naked. im assuming some bad shit happened," i shrugged. she pulled out her phone and started texting. "what happened to you guys?" asked Naruto. he got on the highway. "kiba broke up with me last night," i admitted. "oh..." said Naruto. kiba just gazed longingly out the window. i honestly expected a big reaction but...shit. was it that obvious? "john isn't answering back so id say its pretty big. we might have to do a search and rescue," said hinata. "did you try shika? he was talking to some guy who took him and his stuff out their room," i said. "they probably broke up," commented Naruto. eh....i could see it. shika was broken down in tears right next to kiba on the bed so im sure something along those lines happened. "shika just told me that he is staying with kidomaru for a while till he can figure out how to talk with john," she said. im guessing that guy with shika is named kidomaru. "anyone have any idea where john could have gone?" grunted kiba. "i doubt he went home," said Naruto. i sighed.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now