Chapter 9: Might Long Fall

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"Who the hell took my freaking phone?" Eclipse bellowed, frustration echoing through the house.

Haruna intervened, her voice a mix of exasperation and authority. "No screaming in the house!"

But Eclipse wasn't having it. "Shut the heck up! Where the heck is my phone?!" she demanded, her irritation palpable.

Yuro, ever mischievous, chimed in with his trademark sound, "Youhuuuu."

Cli's realization hit her like a ton of bricks. It had to be her brother, no one else dared to touch her phone. She cursed under her breath, the colorful language flowing freely as she made her way to confront him. Her dog, accustomed to such antics between Yuro and his master, joined the fray, adding to the chaos with his playful energy.

Haruna, trying to restore order, called out to Cli, "Stop fooling around and help me in the kitchen, Senpai."

But Eclipse wasn't about to let it go. "Give back my smartphone, Oni Chan! There's nothing interesting inside it anyway!" he grumbled, his frustration evident.

Yuro, relishing the opportunity to tease his sister, teased, "Really? Then you don't mind if I open it with your password, do you?" His smirk widened at the prospect of revealing her secrets.

Cli's heart sank at the thought of her brother uncovering her hidden selfies. She muttered under her breath, realizing she was in trouble. Despite her best efforts to catch him, Yuro continued to evade her grasp, taunting her with the phone just out of reach.

"Give it back, you jerk!" Eclipse spat, his annoyance reaching new heights.

Yuro, ever the provocateur, cautioned, "Careful with your language, young lady. You don't want me to expose all of your selfies, do you?"

Eclipse groaned in frustration, his determination to retrieve his phone unwavering. "Give it back or else!"

Yuro's smirk only grew wider as he teased, "Take it if you can reach it, shorty."

As Eclipse continued her futile attempts to reclaim her phone, Cli couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Life truly was a rollercoaster with her towering brother and his antics. Just then, as if adding insult to injury, the music player on the phone activated, blaring "Mighty Long Fall" by One Ok Rock, further adding to the comedic chaos of the moment.

I have no choice other than to flip my brother backward, oh god why I didn't think about this at first! And I snatch my smartphone like a ninja. I felt as everyone in the living room is staring at me. My apple of my cheeks are burning, I wouldn't be surprised if they're on fire! I turn hastily and ran off, feeling the mortification follow me. Before I run off, I kick my brother's precious "Banana" right in the middle and I rush to the garden to get away from all of the awkwardness.

Eclipse: "I hate oni chan!"
Yuro: "Urghhh... My banana hurt so bad! Don't hate Oni Chan darling. Urghh Oni Chan love you." T.T
Ryota: "That must hurt so bad."
Tomoya: "You pick the wrong girl dude."

Yuro is curling his body like snail trying to hold on the pain. Haruna couldn't hold her laugh anymore and she burst it all out like



Tomoya: "Need a hand dude?"
Toru: *Chuckles* "So she start to listen to our songs "huhh", not bad. What do you think of her now Taka?"
Taka: "Well, I glad that she doesn't hate me."
Toru: "What do you mean by you??"

He can feel like Toru observing his body language and his word.

Taka: "Urmm... I mean our songs. It's not like I'm hoping that she like me right?"
Toru: "Yeah, right." *Giggles*


At The Garden

Eclipse: "This is bad! He knows that I've listening to their songs for a while now! And he's gonna make fun of me for the rest of my life!"


Tomoya: "Since when she started to listen our to songs?"
Yuro: "Your songs?"
Ryota: "Yeah, our songs."
Yuro: "That's mean..."

Yuro look confused but gratefulness and happiness was carved on his face and so Haruna. All the Oor members puzzled by the look and Taka mumbled to himself, what an awkward situation.

Keep on reading my precious little readers ❤

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