Chapter 6: Back On Track

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The Arrival

Doorbell rings.

As soon as Taka opens the door, he hears a familiar voice shout.

Eclipse: "BABY!!! Did you miss Mommy? Mommy missed you too. Mommy will give you a bath, my baby ❤."

She gives a big hug to her white and red Ducati motorcycle, kisses it, and calls it "Baby." A tall man in black stands at the main gate, looking at her with a confused face.

Royal: Woof! Woof! Running around Eclipse Haruna: "Here she goes again. Sigh Is there anything I need to sign, sir?" Delivery Guy: "Yes, miss, could you sign your name here?"

After the delivery guy walks away, Haruna turns to Taka.

Haruna: "Sorry for letting you see this ridiculous side of her, Taka." Taka: "It's okay, 'Baby' huh?"

I look at Haruna, and we both laugh, knowing it's weird to call a motorcycle 'Baby.'

Haruna: "Cli, let's go. Taka and the rest need to be at the studio by 9 am." Eclipse: "Just give me a sec."

She's still kissing her bike and rubbing her face against it, calling herself "Mommy." I can't help but burst out laughing.


She glares at me. Haruna can't stand Eclipse's embarrassing act any longer, so she drags her to the bathroom. I chuckle at the scene. Well, I don't see that every day. It's kinda new to me.

At the Studio

We rehearse for hours and decide to take a break. I can see Eclipse is still pouting because Haruna won't let her ride her bike. It's lunchtime, and lucky for us, Nana brought yummy bento from home. Nothing tastes better than home-cooked food. She's a great cook.

Haruna: "No matter how long you ignore me, no means no." Eclipse: "I told you I would bring Taka with me. I'm not going to leave the client." Haruna: "NO. Besides, it's dangerous for Taka's safety. You know who's targeting Taka and how dangerous that man can be. Drop your selfish attitude. Remember why you took this job in the first place." Eclipse: "OH REALLY? Last I checked, you're not my MOM!" Haruna: "DON'T YOU DARE GIVE ME THAT ATTITUDE, LADY! OR YOU'RE OUT OF THIS MISSION!" Eclipse: "Are you trying to blackmail me??" Haruna: "Yes, I am!"

I swear I hear Eclipse cursing repeatedly while glaring at Haruna. The conversation becomes tense, and I see Eclipse's face change. Soon, she stands up.

Eclipse: "I'm going to get some fresh air." Screams

She walks out of the studio and slams the door so hard you can feel the vibration. You can tell how pissed off she is.

Toru: "Is she going to be okay?" Haruna: "Don't worry about her. She'll be fine. She just needs to remember why she took this job." Taka: "I'm just curious, but why did she accept this job?" Haruna: "Confidential information."

As she says that, Haruna gives me a smile.

Eclipse's Solitude


Looks like I've lost my way. What Haruna said was true. I can't deny it. I should apologize to Haruna later.

Slaps her cheeks with both hands

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