Chapter 14

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As the One Ok Rock tour continued, Eclipse remained ever-vigilant. The band members could see the toll it was taking on her, but they respected her determination and focus. Each city brought new challenges, but Eclipse was always one step ahead, ensuring the safety of the band and their fans.

One evening, after a particularly exhausting concert, the band gathered in their hotel suite. Eclipse stood by the window, her eyes scanning the streets below for any signs of trouble.

Taka approached her, offering a cup of coffee. "You need to rest, you know," he said, concern in his voice.

Eclipse accepted the coffee with a nod, but her expression remained serious. "I'll rest when this tour is over and you're all safe."

Toru chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, Eclipse, even superheroes need a break."

Eclipse allowed herself a small smile. "Maybe after the tour," she conceded, taking a sip of the coffee.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. She glanced at the screen, her expression turning serious as she answered. "Eclipse here."

The voice on the other end was familiar—one of her contacts in the security field. "We've got intel on another potential threat. Someone's been asking around about the band, looking for vulnerabilities."

Eclipse's eyes narrowed. "Send me the details. We'll handle it."

As she ended the call, the band members looked at her expectantly. "What is it?" Taka asked.

"Another potential threat," Eclipse said, her voice calm but determined. "I need to check it out."

"We're coming with you," Yuro said, standing up.

Eclipse shook her head. "No, you're staying here where it's safe. I'll take care of this."

But Taka and Yuro wouldn't hear of it. "We're a team," Taka insisted. "And we trust you, but we're not going to let you face this alone."

Seeing their resolve, Eclipse sighed. "Fine, but you follow my lead. We do this my way."

They agreed, and Eclipse quickly briefed them on the plan. They were to meet her contact at a nearby warehouse where the suspicious activity had been reported.

As they approached the warehouse, Eclipse signaled for silence, her senses on high alert. The band members followed closely, trusting her instincts.

Inside, the warehouse was dimly lit, shadows casting eerie shapes on the walls. They moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing in the vast space.

Suddenly, a group of armed men emerged from the shadows, surrounding them. Eclipse's hand went to her gun, ready to defend her charges.

The leader of the group stepped forward, a smug grin on his face. "Well, well, look what we have here. The famous One Ok Rock, with their pretty bodyguard."

Eclipse's eyes blazed with determination. "What do you want?"

The leader laughed. "We're just here to send a message. Your band's success is a threat to our business, and we can't have that."

Eclipse stepped forward, her stance protective. "You'll have to go through me first."

A tense standoff ensued, but Eclipse's training kicked in. She signaled for the band to stay behind her as she assessed the situation. Her quick thinking and sharp reflexes allowed her to disarm the first attacker, setting off a chaotic brawl.

The band members watched in awe as Eclipse fought with precision and skill, taking down each opponent with calculated moves. Yuro and Taka, despite their initial fear, found themselves inspired by her bravery and determination.

With the intruders subdued, Eclipse turned to the leader, who was now on the ground, defeated. "You picked the wrong target," she said coldly.

The leader glared up at her, his confidence shattered. "This isn't over," he spat.

Eclipse restrained him, ensuring he wouldn't be a threat any longer. "It is for you."

As the authorities arrived to take the intruders into custody, Eclipse turned to the band, a mixture of relief and exhaustion on her face. "You're safe now."

Taka stepped forward, gratitude and admiration shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Eclipse. We owe you our lives."

Eclipse shook her head. "Just doing my job."

Back at the hotel, the reality of the situation settled in. The band members were more grateful than ever for Eclipse's presence. They knew that as long as she was around, they could face any danger that came their way.

Eclipse finally allowed herself a moment to breathe, sitting down with the band in the suite. Yuro handed her a drink, his expression one of respect and gratitude. "You really are a superhero, you know."

Eclipse smiled, a rare moment of vulnerability showing through. "Just doing what I have to do."

As the night wore on, the bond between Eclipse and the band grew stronger. They knew that with her by their side, they could overcome any obstacle and continue to share their music with the world.

And as Eclipse looked around at the faces of the people she had sworn to protect, she felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment. She was not just their bodyguard; she was their guardian, their ally, and their friend.

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