Chapter 4

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Haruna and I trudged up to the One Ok Rock residence, pulling our luggage packed with clothes and bodyguard gear.

"Wow! This place is even better than I expected!" Haruna exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

I sighed, "Yeah, it's great and all, but you know they didn't exactly want us here from the start, right?"

"Don't overthink it, Cli. They're going to love us," she said cheerfully, her optimism a stark contrast to my apprehension.

Just then, a dog barked energetically, its tail wagging furiously. "Oh, and this is Royal," Haruna introduced. "He'll be staying with us."

As we approached, we saw a group of guys lurking, their expressions mischievous. One of them, with a smirk, announced, "They're here, boys. This is going to be fun."

Another one, looking doubtful, asked, "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

One of them replied, "Well, if we're lucky, maybe if they get wet, we'll get to see their undergarments," his eyes gleaming with a perverse interest.

"How long are we going to keep Ryota tied up?" another one asked.

"Until we're done with our pranks. If we let him go, he'll spoil the fun," was the reply.

As the doorbell rang, the guys scattered, scrambling to hide. "Wait, Nana," I said, "Can you and Royal wait here until I give the all-clear?"

"Are you sure?" Haruna asked.

"Yeah," I affirmed.

I could hear the guys' muffled conversation from behind the door. "How old are you guys again? Five?" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

From the window, I saw the guys' faces drop in disbelief as our well-timed entry bypassed their traps. They looked thoroughly frustrated.

Haruna called from the hallway, "Cli, can I come in already?"

"Not yet, Nana. Hold on a sec," I replied as I dismantled the prank setup.

As I cleared away a bucket of glue that had been rigged to fall on us, the guys' looks of disappointment were palpable. It was clear their pranks had failed.

Taka, trying to save face, stepped forward. "Sorry for all the trouble. Let me show you to your room as an apology."

We followed him, and when we reached our new room, Haruna's face fell. The space was a disaster zone—dirty, cluttered with boxes, and strewn with trash.

"This is your 'AMAZING ROOM,'" Taka said with a grin. "Just needs a little cleaning, and you'll have space to sleep."

"This isn't a room; it's a dump!" Haruna protested. "How are we supposed to sleep here?"

"If you don't like it, the door is wide open," Taka retorted, looking down at us with an air of satisfaction.

Royal barked, running around in the mess. "Woof! Woof!"

"Let's just start cleaning," I said, trying to keep the peace.

After four grueling hours of scrubbing, sorting, and organizing, we were drenched in sweat.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," Haruna groaned. "How can someone who looks like an angel be so devilish?"

"Well, the room is coming together," I said, trying to stay positive. "And it's pretty big now, don't you think?"

"Yeah, thanks to me for buying enough wallpaper and decorations before we got here," she said with a hint of pride.

I hugged her, grateful for her hard work. She seemed satisfied with both the room and the hug.

"I'm going to take a bath first, Nana," I said.

"I'll go after you," she replied, blowing me a playful kiss.

Later, as sunlight streamed through the flower-curtain window, illuminating the room, I admired our handiwork. The room wasn't so bad after all. I was starting to like it.

"Hey, there's no sound coming from their room anymore," one of the guys observed.

"I think they gave up," another said, looking defeated.

"See, I told you I hadn't lost," Taka said triumphantly.

Toru, clearly amused, suggested, "Go and check on them."

When the guys opened our door, their eyes widened in shock. I was sprawled on the bed surrounded by my gear.

"What are you guys doing in our room? Don't you know how to knock?" I asked, mildly annoyed.

Their jaws dropped as they took in the transformed space. "What have you done to this storeroom?!" Taka exclaimed.

"This is beyond amazing!" Ryota said, clearly impressed.

"Wow, you've got guns and swords and..." Tomoya said, his eyes widening.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," I said, aiming my gun at Toru, who flinched but maintained his composure. "I just don't trust anyone right away."

"First, my dad loves hunting, so he owns a few guns. Second, could you stop pointing that at my face?" Toru asked.

"Oops, sorry," I said, lowering the gun. "Now, get out of our room."

As they left, I sighed, feeling a sense of relief. Cleaning wasn't exactly my favorite activity, but it was worth it to see the room finally come together. If given the choice between cleaning and a mission, I'd choose the latter any day. But for now, I was content with our new home.

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