Chapter 23 - Miss, I Like This Prince Si More!

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Teddy leads us towards a spacious room where Prince Si and his friends are waiting for Miss.

Teddy stops in front of the room and waits outside together with Sophia.

Miss leads me by hand inside.

"Mei Mei you finally came!" Once Prince Si sees Miss he stands up and dashes towards her.

He suddenly stops as if remembering something.

"What are you doing guys, quickly introduce yourselves to your Sister-in-Law!" He yells at the men behind him.

"Sister-in-Law, it's a pleasure to finally meet you! My name is Marco Cailin. I bet you can't even imagine how much Brother Shayde talks about you..." A feminine, man with long blonde hair and blue eyes introduces himself first. He seems really delighted by Miss's arrival.

"This guy may not look like it, but he is the son of the richest merchant in Quas Empire." A cold voice from behind Mister Marco informs Miss.

"You! What do you mean by that! I thought my looks were pretty good?!" Mister Cailin retorts.

"Please ignore him, he's way too absorbed with himself. I'm Shen Mengu. As the son of the chief of the Royal Guards I grew up together with Brother Shayde. If you want to know his darkest secrets just ask me." Although Mister Shen's tone sounds cold, there's a playful tone hiding behind it. He seems bad at showing his true emotions.

"Well, instead of talking about my darkest secrets, you should ask this fellow to teach you Spear Techniques if you fancy the spear." Prince Si says while putting emphasis on 'darkest secrets'.

Befriending Mister Shen seems like a good idea.

"Senu, come forward and greet your Sister-in-Law." Prince Si suddenly says.

Hm? I don't see anyone else in this room, aside from the completely ignored Prince Shiyu?

"..... No?" A slow, young, feminine voice comes from behind Prince Si.

"You promised me that you would try." Prince Si says gently.

A head pops out from behind Prince Si.

... There are two Prince Si'?!

"..... Hi." She hid right after greeting? Miss.

"This is Senu, she's my twin sister. I'm sorry for her behaviour, she is like that around people she sees for the first time." Prince Si informs Miss.

"What are you talking about? She's lovelier than you." Miss says while softly smiling.

Princess Senu keeps trying to look over here, but each time her eyes meet Miss's, she hides behind Prince Si.

If I'm not mistaken... Princess Senu should be the elder sister?

After looking this way numerous times, Princess Senu takes a deep breath and walks from behind Prince Si.

"Haaa..." She exhales loudly as if she achieved something impossible.

Mmm! Miss, I like this Prince Si more! Please switch!

Knock. Knock.

Someone knocks on the door and enters.

It's Sophia!

"The carriage is prepared." She says slowly.

Carriage? What for?

"A, auntie?!" Princess Senu suddenly shouts.

"Ah, little Senu. You are here too?" Sophia says happily.

"Aun Sniff. Auntie!" Princess Senu jumps into Sophia's arms while crying.

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