Chapter 121 - Miss My Nose Hurts...

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THE PYRAMID LIBRARY, that's whats written on the sign of the triangular building before us.
This is the second time Miss and I went to a library together.

Unlike the many steps of the Quas' Martial Library, this Pyramid Library doesn't have anything like that. Fortunately.
I remember having a really difficult time. Miss on the other hand... she looked really chip.

Anyhow, I'm glad there are no steps this ti-


Owww! What was that!? It was as if I collided with a wall... Miss my nose hurts...

"Latifa, are you okay?"

Wuuu, Miss. Someone forgot their invisible wall in front of me...
T, thank you sniff for helping me up, Miss.

"Miss, every library has a trial one must pass before entering. Pyramids City's library is known for its self-growing barrier."

Oh~ so that was it, a barrier. I see, I see. Thank you for the explanation, Sophia.
... Sophia!? What are you doing here! Scaring me to death...
I thought you stayed behind with Senu... ah, she's here too.

"You left the two brothers behind?"
"Yes, I sneaked Senu out. Don't worry, Miss. We are not untactful like those two."
"I have no idea what you are talking about."

Miss, your ears turned red. Are you okay?
This barrier looks deadly, just look at my nose. You shouldn't try to force your way in if you are ill.

"Anyhow, let's enter. Stay close to me Latifa, okay?"

If you say so, MIss. No one knows your body better than yourself, so I will trust you this time. But, as your trusty maid, I will send you home if I see any signs of sickness, okay?

Miss moved her hands forward and gently placed them on top of the invisible barrier. If other people didn't know that there was a barrier, she would look really silly! ... Do people know that there's a barrier? I hope so...

Then, Miss hands turned, the backs of her hands facing each other and she made a motion as if opening curtains.
The air looks a bit distorted, I think she was able to successfully open the barrier.

I grab on Miss sleeve and follower her inside while looking back at Sophia and Senu.
I hope they can get inside too.

Sophia extended her hand and flicked her finger at the barrier.


A loud explosion followed by the sound of shattering glass happened and Sophia with Senu behind her carefreely followed us inside.

... As expected of Sophia! The greatest of maids! That's my Master!
Rather, Senu looks quite used to it, doesn't she?

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