Chapter 39 - Miss This Development...

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"Tsk. The annoying one came too." Mister Marco says with an annoying tone.

Annoying? So there's someone Mister Marco finds annoying too.
However, a Brother-in-law, huh?
Thank you, mister. Whatever your name is.

"This..." Prince Si looks at Miss with a difficult expression.
"Hee... I didn't know that Prince Si already has a wife waiting for him." Miss says teasingly.
"No, that wasn't me. It's arranged by my father. Nothing else."
"How unfortunate. This Miss doesn't want to share. What to do?" Miss says with a smile on her face.
"I will-"

"Prince Si!" A young, melodic voice interrupts him.

Prince Si' expression darkens.

A blurry figure jumps from the luxurious ship and lands into Prince Si' embrace.

"Prince Si! Prince Si! Prince Si~ I missed you so much~"

I can finally see her figure.
It's a young girl.
About Miss's age.
She has long blonde hair and her eyes are the color of the sky.
She is about a half head taller than Miss.

"Cassia..." Prince Si calls her name in annoyance.
"What's wrong, Prince Si? Are you not happy to see me again?" She asks while looking in his eyes.
"That..." Prince Si looks around for help.
"Ehm! Miss Cassia, Prince Si is just embarrassed. Embracing a woman in the public is first for him." Teddy says quickly.
"Ah! I, is that so..." She quickly releases Prince Si from her embrace and her face reddens.

To be willing to save that annoying man from such situation.
As expected of Teacher Teddy.

Miss Cassia...
... A good person!

Miss Cassia looks around the deck and then she says,
"Huh? I see some faces I didn't see befo- Lady Sophia?!"
"Yes, it's nice to see you again, Miss Cassia." Sophia says while respectfully bowing towards Miss Cassia.
"Ehh? Wh, why are you bowing, Lady Sophia?!" She asks in a panic.
"Why? Because I'm just a lowly maid?" Sophia says while tilting her head.
"And why is someone like Lady Sophia a maid?!" She shouts out in confusion.

As expected of Sophia!
Her reputation reaches even the ears of haughty nobles!


Seeing that Sophia doesn't answer her, she turns towards Prince Si.

"I don't know." He says plainly.

She looks around, but everyone just raises their shoulders.

"Just what is going on here?..." She asks in disbelief.

Miss Cassia sighs in defeat then turns towards Miss.

"And this Miss is?" She asks, eyes filled with curiosity.
"Ah, that Sister-in-la-" Prince Shiyu says casually, then he quickly puts his hands against his mouth as if realizing something.
"Sister-in-law?!" The man on the other ship shouts loudly and jumps at the deck of our ship.

Mister Marco chops his hand down on Prince Shiyu's head.

"Rascal, look what your carelessness did. Now I won't be able to sleep for days." He says in an annoying tone.

Miss, this development... Is somewhat exciting!

Kindredजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें