Chapter 90 - Miss, I Think There's Something Wrong

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"Main branch, Eleanor. Off branch, Samuel. Are you two ready?" The referee asks Miss Eleanor and her opponent.
"Yes!" The man, Samuel answers vigorously.
"Let's get on with it already." Miss Eleanor urges the referee to start.
"... Sigh. Fight!"

As soon as the match starts, Snap! Miss Eleanor snaps her fingers.
What happened next... no, what should happen next didn't happen.
As if anticipating Miss Eleanor's move, Samuel quickly disappears from Miss Eleanor's line of sight and quickly closes the distance between them.

"Got you!"
"Hmph!" Miss Eleanor harumphed and raised her hands up.

Samuel, who charged at Miss Eleanor suddenly slowed down and then completely stopped, as if he hit an invisible wall.
He grasped his neck and fell to the ground a few seconds after.

"Do you understand now, Meira? There are not many air users who can do what Eleanor did." Mommy speaks to Miss.
"Although you two are sisters, Eleanor is basically your biggest opponent until the time you obtain your second element." She adds.
"......" Miss listens without looking away from the arena.

I didn't know what Mommy was talking about at first, but then it hit me.
Miss Eleanor's element is air.
The reason why Samuel looked as if he hit an invisible wall must be because Miss Eleanor is able to deplete the air around her.
If Miss gets close, she will end up like Samuel.
And if she uses her fire for ranged attacks, they will get immediately exhausted once they hit the extent of Miss Eleanor's control.
Unless Miss had a ranged weapon like a bow or throwing knives, she wouldn't have a chance of hurting Miss Eleanor!

"Winner, Eleanor!" The referee announces Miss Eleanor's victory.

Miss Eleanor indifferently turns around and walks off of the arena.

"Next! Main branch, Fantasia. Off branch, Irene."

Fantasia. What a lovely name.
But... why do I feel like the mood became heavy all of sudden.

"Fantasia. The rumors surrounding her talent are limitless. The number of experts that want to take her as their direct disciple is in hundreds. The number of men chasing her increase every day by tens. And also, my husband's most favorite daughter. The second daughter of Tristan Maed, Fantasia." Mommy says gloomily.
"Yeah, you can tell that father pampered her from the moment she was born just by hearing her name." Miss Eleanor says while walking through the door.

Miss Eleanor, that's rude.
Her name sounds great!

"After Fantasia was born, Tristan's affection for the rest of his children lessened with every child born. I'm afraid Meira wouldn't have even her own house if I didn't threaten him that day..."

So that's why Miss had such a beautiful house even though she didn't compete in the family competitions!
I see, I see! It makes sense now.
As expected of- No, Mommy. You shouldn't be threatening your husband?

"... What have you threatened him with?" Miss Eleanor asks.
"Fantasia's life." Mommy says casually.

Miss, I think there's something wrong with Mommy's way of doing things.

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