Chapter 51 - Miss, Are You Trying to Kill Me?!

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I have witnessed something I shouldn't.
Emperor's favorite daughter serving a noble's daughter dressed in a maid clothes with a smile on her face.


Isn't this really bad?

I am thinking such while looking at Princess Senu pouring Miss a tea happily.

"Now that Latifa is awake, we need to prepare!" Miss says seriously.

Umm? Did something serious happen while I was asleep?
Miss looks very serious.
I should listen well...!

"What are you talking about, Miss?" Sophia asks.

Sophia finally looks like her old self.
She looks very refreshed.

"Of course, I'm talking about Latifa's birthday!" Miss says with a serious expression.
"A- Awu!?" W- what?! I thought it was something serious, but it was about my birthday?!

If it's true that I was sleeping for exactly a year, then my birthday was four months ago.
There's no need to celebrate something that happened so long ago.
Slaves aren't allowed to celebrate their birthday in the first place...

"Latifa, every single year of your life is very important to me." Miss says while looking at me.
"And once you turn twelve, I will be able to... hehe..." She mutters.

I'm really happy that Miss cares about me so much.
But, now that I'm able to see her face, I wonder if it was better seeing the Demon instead...
Miss makes really weird expressions... They seem somewhat dangerous most of the time... I wonder why...

"Anyway, I have presents for you, Latifa!" Miss shouts.

She grabs my shoulders and turns me towards Princess Senu.

"This is my first present to you. Your own Maid Princess!" She says with a smile.


Why do you look so happy!
Say something!
Miss, are you trying to kill me?!
Help me?!

"I will gladly accompany Miss Latifa until I won't be able to stand anymore!" She says with a proud expression.

Miss Latifa?!
Deny it?!
What are you doing Princess Senu?!
Why are there flowers floating around you?!

... Uuu, I'm going to get executed...
The Emperor will deal with me with his own hands, uuu...

"How is it, Latifa? Do you like your present? Try giving her a command!" Miss says with sparkles in her eyes.
"Awuu!" Like hell, I could do that!
"Yes, Miss Latifa! I shall obey!" Princess Senu says and closes her eyes.

W, what are you planning to do, Princess Senu?
I have a bad fee...

"Woof!" She strikes a cute pose and barks.

Wa, wa, wa, waaa... Why?!

"Uwaa... How daring, Latifa." Miss laughs in amazement.
"As expected of Little Senu, you have completed your first order splendidly." Sophia pats Princess Senu's head.
"Yes!" Princess Senu happily nods.

... Someone, please help me...

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