Chapter 84 - Miss, Your Sisters Are Too Terrifying

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"Main branch, Eleanor. Off branch, Maria. Are you ready?" The referee checks if both parties are ready.

"Yes!" Miss Eleanor's opponent, Maria answers vigorously.
"Get on with it already." On the other hand, Miss Eleanor looks like breathing is way too troublesome.

The referee sighs, then he shouts "Fight!"


Miss Eleanor snaps her fingers.
The next moment, "Gaa... ah..." Maria grabs her own neck and gasps for air.
Her eyes roll back, and she crumbles to the ground within a minute.

"Hmph." Miss Eleanor turns and walks off the arena.

"... Winner, Main branch Eleanor!"


Unlike the cheers from the audience for Miss Tinesia, Miss Eleanor is cheered with silence.
But, she seems not to mind as she calmly walks towards our room.
Miss Eleanor's performance could be described only as... scary.

Miss, your sisters, are too terrifying.

"Next, Main branch Joel. Main branch Meira...?" The referee announces with confusion.

The audience gets noisy.

"Oh, seems like it's your turn now, Meira. Ehehe. Don't worry, I will take a good care of Latifa while you are not here." Mommy says teasingly.

There have been nineteen fights so far, yet there wasn't a fight between two main branch members.
Why must Miss fight with a main branch member from the start?
Moreover, it's that hateful Third Young Master Joel.
... He always calls me 'little abomination'.
I don't like it... being called like I'm some kind of a monster...

"Good luck~"
"Good luck, little Mei~"

Mommy and Miss Tinesia send off Miss.


I must not fall behind.

"Break his neck, okay?" Miss Eleanor who just came back says to Miss.
"Will do." Miss nods with seriousness.

No, Miss.
I don't think that treating someone's life like that is good.
No! I must not fall to the sisters' pace!!
Hang on, Latifa!!

When Miss walks out of the room, the gazes turn towards her.
It's like Miss is a rare mythical beast that can be seen once a millennium.

When Miss arrives at the arena,

"Ohh, hello my failure of a sister. Truly, what a coincidence to meet you in the first round of this honorable competition. I wonder how that happened? Two Main branch members facing off in the first round. That's unheard of! Ahaha..." Third Young Master Joel laughs.
"What, scared shitless?" He grins.
"Shut the fuck up, you lousy fuck. I'm going to tear that filthy tongue out of your dirty fucked up mouth." Miss says with a completely serious expression.

Miss... that's not something a noble Miss should say in public...

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