Let The Interviewing Begin! (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure they will." Liam smiled politely.

"Alright then, let's get started!" James said, clapping his hands together. "This is the cameraman Trent, he'll be filming." Trent waved a little. "And these are your interviewers. I don't think they need to be introduced."

"Hey guys!" I greeted enthusiastically as we took a seat on the couch opposite them. "Did you miss us?"

"What? What're you – I don't understand, why are you here?" Zayn questioned, tripping over his words.

"Oh Zayn." Christina tutted like she was talking to a child. "Isn't it obvious? We're your interviewers silly!"

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Liam said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nope!" Chelsea answered. "We swear we are your interviewers. We didn't kidnap them and lock them in a broom closet, promise."

"It's true boys." James confirmed. "I hired them last night."

"You do realise you basically just signed a death warrant?" Harry asked.

"Hey!" I protested.

"What? It's true!"

James smiled. "I'll take my chances. Now, we're gonna have to start as we don't have that much time. Are you all set?"

"Ready!" us interviewers chorused, Christina giving a thumbs up.

"Alright, the camera will start rolling in three... two... one... go!" Trent whispered, giving us a thumbs up.

"Hello watchers of Gossip Galore! I'm Kate, this is Chelsea and that's Christina and today we are interviewing the famous boy band One Direction!" I started, dramatically gesturing to where the boys were sitting.

"I must say, it's an honor to be in your presence," Chelsea continued. "Even if we have been touring with you guys since December."

"Well it's certainly great to be interviewed by three teenaged girls!" Niall smiled.

"Of course it is Niall!" I shot back. "Okay, first question!" I said, looking at the cue cards I'd been given. "How has the tour been so far? Really? That's the question. God, how boring but you may as well answer it."

"The tour has been great. It's amazing to see all the fans-" Liam started to say before Christina cut him off.

"I'm sorry, but that's all the time we have for that question. My turn!" she shuffled through her cue cards before chucking them over her shoulder. "I'm just gonna ask a question that's been bugging me for a while. Why aren't mustaches called mouth brows?"

We all looked at her. Where had that come from?

"Well," Louis said. "I think it's because 'I mouth brow you a question' doesn't sound right. And mustache is just a cooler sounding word." Christina nodded, a satisfied look on her face.

"Alright, my turn!" Chelsea said. "Liam, is it true?"


"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you're a puppy genetically modified to look like a human?"


"Is that a yes?"

"What?! No! I'm not a genetically modified puppy!"

"Oh," she muttered in disappointment. "And all this time I thought you were. Damn. That witch was wrong."

"My go!" I sang, swinging my feet a little as I chose a question from the deck in my hand. "Alright, this one's for Harry! Are you ready?"

He looked at me with a smirk on his lips. "Hit me," I threw a card at him. "Hey!"

"What? You told me to hit you!" I defended. "Anyway, what was the most embarrassing moment of your life?"

"Hmm, that's a tough one." He said, looking skywards for a moment. "Oh! It had to be that time I fell out a tree trying to impress a girl when I was eight!"

I made a buzzing sound. "Wrong! Try again!"

"What do you mean? I answered the question!" he exclaimed.

"But you answered it wrong! Try again."

He huffed in annoyance. "There was that time I tried to fill a balloon with paint and it burst in the bathroom."

"Wrong again!"

"Oh my god. Okay then, what about the time you threw flour at me and made me pose because you wanted to see a statue?" he tried.

"Well, considering you were my slave that day I'll accept that answer. Your go Christina."

It went back and forth like this for the next fifteen minutes with questions such as, Would you rather lick Niall's foot or let us shave your legs? (Liam's answer was lick the foot because apparently he doesn't trust us with a razor. It was one time, okay!) and, How sexy is Zayn's leg hair? (incredibly sexy according to Louis) and, What's the best way to ask your neighbour for their Wi-Fi password? (Liam said you're not supposed to ask because it's rude or something, Louis suggested to seduce them and Zayn said to throw a rock at them then steal their Wi-Fi decoder while they're unconscious)

"Well that's all we have time for today people of the internet! Thank you One Direction for putting up with us since December!" I said, starting to wrap up the interview.

"Until next time, I'm Chelsea!"

"I'm Christina!"

"And I'm still single! Seriously, someone date me please!"

"I will!"

"Shut up Louis, you have a girlfriend!"

"Anyway, that's all for today so good bye!" Chelsea quickly said and Trent stopped filming.

"Thank you very much girls, that was excellent." James said, shaking our hands. "And thank you One Direction for giving us the opportunity to interview you."

"It was no problem. I hope the interview was good enough for your website." Liam said, taking charge. Good ol' Daddy Direction. We should start calling him Manager Direction; he acts more like a manager at times than a dad. Yeah, I like that, Manager Direction. Let's stick with it!

"It was fantastic. Just was my audience was asking for. I will contact you girls on your next interview. Until then, have fun on tour."

"We will!" Christina said.

"Bye!" we chorused as he and Trent left.

"So," Niall asked when they gone. "What's for dinner?"

Status: On Tour With 1DWhere stories live. Discover now