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As a special birthday gift from me to y'all, here's a special chapter from me to you.

Rashad Up There

Kinda goes with the mood of this chapter. 

3 Months Later.

Rashad POV

 "I can't believe its been 3 months and he still hasn't woken up yet. Come on Reese. Come back to us. Please." Lauren said with tears in her eyes. "I'm starting to thi-" "Don't say that shit" I said cutting Mark off. "My baby will come back to us! All we need to do is still keep hope. Please." I said. "We have to go but let us know if he wakes up or if anything changes" Jay said wiping her eyes. "I got y'all. Go home and finish y'all homework. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I said watching them leave. I turned my attention back to Reese "Baby, you have to wake up now. We all miss you. Hell I don't know what to do without you. Everyone is started to think you won't be coming back." I said as I played in his hair. 

  Luckily he wasn't looking homeless because I've been making sure that his shit stayed cut. No I haven't cheated nor do I have anyone on the side because neither him nor I play that shit. Plus I've been busy doing work for the both of s so that we both can graduate on time. I want to be the first face he sees when he gets up. "Come on baby." I said laying my head down beside his bed and falling asleep.

Reese POV

 "You could've at least gave me a hint or something on how I'm supposed to get back. Sheesh I can't even see anything so how am I supposed to know where I'm going? Maaaaannnn." I said aloud as I walked to the land unkown. "Baby come back to me." I heard a voice say. "That sound like Rashad. Where is it coming from?" I said aloud as if someone was going to answer me. "I don't what to do without you." I heard him say again. "I have to get out of here! I just need him to keep talking" I said hoping that he would say something else so I could better pin point the exact direction of his voice. Just like that, it got quiet again. "No! Baby keep talking please. Say something!" I yelled as if he could hear me. "I just want to get out of here!" I yelled sitting down. "Please." 

The Next Day

Rashad POV

  "Good Morning Mr.White. I'm just here to check Mr.Matthews vitals and I'll be out of you're way." a nurse said walking into the room and waking me up. "Sure." I said as I moved out of her way so she could do her thing. "All right. Everything seems to be good and stable so I'll be on my way." she said gathering her things. "Wait. Can I ask you a question before you go?" I said stopping her. "Sure. What's on your mind?" she asked. "How long do you think it will take until he wakes up?" I asked. "That honestly depends on him. I seen things like this before and it ranged from two weeks to two years. All I can say is never give up. Amazing things will start to unfold." she said walking towards the door. "Thank you so much." I said as she left.

  I turned my attention back to Reese. "I'm not giving up. We have a lot that we still haven't done yet." I said stroking his face. 

Reese POV 

  "I'm not giving up." I heard Rashad say. "Keep talking!" I yelled. For some reason his voice was resonating louder than it was yesterday. "Don't worry, you aren't failing school or anything." he knew! Oh he's definitely getting some just for that! I started to see a little white light. Looks like that might be my way out. "Your parents damn near killed me because they thought I had something to do with this" he said again. Looks like I have a lot to do when I get back. The light started to get bigger and form door. I'm going home!

Rashad POV

  I was still holding Reese hand when I felt him squeeze mine back. "Did you miss me?" he said groaning and finally opening his eyes. "You look like hell. Move ugly." he laughed and coughed at the same time. I guess that's from the lack of hydration. I quickly poured him a cup and handed it to him. "Are you sure you can hold it?" I asked holding the cup. He nodded yea. I pressed his call bell so that a nurse could come while texting all of his friends and family at the same time letting them know that he was woke. Withing 5 minutes, his room was swarmed with nurses and doctors asking him what day it was and if he was in pain. The whole time though, he never let my hand go. After all of the medical staff left the room, all of Reese's family and friends walked in the room. "My baby!" his mom screamed as damn near suffocated him with a bear hug.

  "Glad your back son! We've been worried sick about you." his dad said but Reese looked at him like he wasn't believing a word his dad was saying. "My brother is back!" His sister, Jasmine said hugging him and wiping her tears. After all of his family left, it was just me him and his squad. "I so happy your back. It hasn't been the same without you. Mira and Theo turned themselves in for attempted murder and we got Theo's uncle fired and locked up. How you may ask? A magician never reveals their secrets." Jay said smiling. "Y'all I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I announced getting up and fining the nearest bathroom.

Reese POV

  "Why does he look so exhausted and rough." I asked them. "Well for starters, he has never left your side. Not even if we begged him too. If he had to shower, he would use the on here and the come back here." Mimi said. "Also, he has been doing homework for the both of y'all. He literally told the teachers that you pass by any means necessary." she finished. Well damn, my baby literally has been working. Before I could say anything, he walked back into the room. "Ard we're gonna go and let you two talk. We'll be back tomorrow." Mark said as everyone got up and left.

  "It's just you and me now." Rashad said after everyone left. "Thank you." I said smiling at him. "For?"  he asked looking at me confused. "For never giving on me and everything that you have done for me." I said smiling at him. Next thing you know, Rashad's whole emotional mask cracked. "I really thought I lost you babe." he said crying. "I came here everyday hoping you would wake up and smile at me when I walked in. Everyday I waited for you baby! I never left your side. I didn't know a bump to your head would have you like this." he said as I kissed him. "You talk to much. I here now so that's all that matters." I winced because I just used up most of my energy doing that. "Come lay with me." I said as he got up and got in the bed with me. "I definitely missed this the most." he said wrapping his arms around me.

"Three months huh? I definitely have a lot of making up to do." I mumbled. "Yeah you do." he responded. "Shut up and go to sleep. You need it BAD" I said. The fight begins now I guess, the question is, am I ready?

Just a little light chapter for you guys

Reese is finally woke

The next chapter is gonna be so much better.

Rashad did allat for Reese He a real one.

The next chapter is gonna be lit!

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It really meant a lot to me. 

Another thing, Inexperienced has over 8k reads and this book is slowly approaching that too. Thank you to everyone that reads my books, even if you don't like them.

Until next time


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