All Falls Down

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Reese POV

I couldn't really sleep that well because somebody wanted to waste my time trying to apologize for bring the wicked witch of the east to the party. "Rashad take me home." I said calmly. I missed my be to be honest. "I'm in the middle of making breakfast. You sure you wanna go?" he answered. Now y'all know my fatass wasn't passing up a free meal so I decided to wait until after he fed me to leave. About twenty mins later he came out with a full course meal y'all! I'm talking pancakes, hash browns, eggs, biscuits, sausage, hell even french toast! I'm about to tear all this shit up then never speak to him again (just playing, or am I?). "You want anything to drink?" he asked.

"You got lemonade?" "Yeah." "Well I'll take that." To be honest, thats the only fruit juice I'll ever drink. I had a spoiled orange juice in elementary school that ruined it for orange juice everywhere (true story). Apple juice was ok and I never really liked grape/cranberry/pineapple juice. After he came back with my juice, I started to make my plate. I noticed he was staring at me so I hit him with a warning. "If you so much as mutter the words I'm sorry, I'm gonna punch the shit outta you. Now eat." After I said that, we ate in silence. Not a bad silence but a more comfortable one. When I was done, I told him to take me home.

He reluctantly took me home as promised and said he'll see me around. That's nice and all but I have important things to take care of today, like giving Ty his proper send off gift. I called Ty and asked if he could come pick me up. Not even 10 minutes after I called was outside my house. "What's up?" "Oh, nothing just wanted to see you." I said rubbing his shoulder. "Let's go back to my house and chill" He said biting his lip. Step one complete. When we got to his house, he wasted no time kissing me. Step two complete.


He picked me up by my ass and carried me to his room. Mind you, he never broke contact doing this. It kinda turned me on more (judge yo mom ok). He placed me on the bed and started taking off his clothes. "You got a condom?" I asked (SAFE SEX KIDS!). "Already ahead of you" he said showing me the condom. Plus one for him. He flipped me over and pulled down my jeans. Well damn good thing they were loose fitting shit. He pulled my briefs down and slapped my ass (I low key hate that shit. Feels like I'm getting my ass whooped all over again). He then proceed to turn that cherry out. Haaaaaaannnnn. I forgot what that mouth do and he sure as hell reminded me real quick.

Next thing I know, I felt two fingers slide in. Damn him for sending me to clouds just that fast. "I see you still tight. I'm about to go swimming real quick." Next thing I know he took his fingers out and started kissing me. I let out a huge gasp because I didn't even realize that he slide into me. "He missed you baby. Could wait to see you again." he said taking slow strokes. I flipped him over and started riding him. Time to put his ass to sleep. "Yea baby ride that shit". Had that nigga eyes rolling back and shit. I started to speed up my pace and that sent his ass into overdrive. He started thrusting back to match my speed. "Oh shit baby I'm about to nut" he said as I felt him explode into the condom. I looked down to see that I already came. Look ma, no hands. Step three complete. That ladies and gentleman is how you send yo ex off.

Later That Day

After that eventful moment, I showered and left. Good thing I still had clothes over there. I left him a note saying "It was fun while it lasted. We both know its not going to work out between us." To be honest it never was going to work because he proved to me that he'll take anything he hears about me and run with it. Not to mention the foul shit he already said. We would lterally be fighting because I don't play that shit. At all! It took everything in me not to rip that note up and just jump on his ass again. God damn he sexy but I had to do what I had to do. He looks so cute sleep. Ok let me go.

I asked Mark to come pick me up. Within 20 mins he was outside. "Looks like somebody had a good day." he said laughing. "Shut yo ass up and drive ok. Let me be great" I glared at him. "Aye aye captain." he doprped me off at my house and told me to get dressed because we were going laser tagging later. "Ok dad thanks for the heads up." "No problem. Anything for my baby boy" he said playing in my hair. I punched him and walked in the house to change. As soon as I got in, I got a text from Rashad:

Shoddy: Yo yo, wyd?

Me: Getting dressed bout to go laser tagging.

Shoddy: Oh shit that sounds fun af! Can I come with?

Me: I don't kno. Ask Mira for permission.

Shoddy: Nevermind yo.

I ignored him and finished getting dressed. He'll be alright. Literally seconds after I put on my 530's, I heard Mark honk the horn. "Well shit alright father." I mumbled and headed out the door. "What's up negro?" Jay yelled from the passenger side. "Yo yo yo what up squad?!" I yelled back." "Reese! I missed you so much!" Mimi said squeezing the life outta me. "In a few seconds, imma be dead. Let me come up for air" I laughed. "Sorry." She said letting me go. "Wassup Reese" I know they didn't invite this mf. I turned my head to see Rashad smiling at me. "Oh. Wassup" I said dryly turning my head towards Mark for an explanation.

"I already invited him before I came and got you this morning." he said. "So why did you text me that if you were already coming? Fucking weirdo" I said looking at Rashad. I know I'm being petty right now but I don't give a fuck. "I wanted to know if it was gonna be cool with you if I tagged along, that's all." he shrugged. "You know.....nvm" I dropped it. There was no point in arguing with this nigga. "Well now that that little argument is cleared up, let's get going. Ya'll ready children?" "Mark shut the fuck up and drive" Everyone said altogether. This is gonna be interesting.

I'm back you guys!

This would've been posted yesterday but somebody wanted to fight me.

Did y'all like Reese' ex sendoff?

Was he being petty towards Rashad?

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