You Mad?

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*Him up there 😑😉*

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*Reese POV *

Yo I was low key mad because I really liked that song man. He mad weird for that. "Shoddy let me go. Damn!" "Nah." This nigga right here 😑. "Well can you at least loosen your grip? My wrist is loosing oxygen. His grip was really strong. Fucking Debo head ass. "Where are you taking me?" He stopped and turned around.

"What was all the shit you was talking on the phone?" He said. "Well if you really wanted to know, I was part of a dare." "Nah I ain't trynna hear that. That shit was way too deep to be a dare." He yelled. Was it that deep y'all? I don't recall such thing but OK. "You said you wanted to fight so what's up?" Oh he wanna fight? I'm wit it.

I started taking of my watch and stuff it into my pocket. I'll be damned if he breaks that. Paid a good little amount for this baby. "What's u-" before I could even get the rest of the word out, he picked me up. "Put me down. Fight me like a real nigga." "Shut the fuck up. I'm not gonna fight ya dumb ass". " Then why did you say that?" "To get your attention duh dick head"

I didn't even realize that he sat me in the car. The same car we had our previous argument in. "Back here again." "Yup and I put the childproof lock on so you can't freely walk away either like last time. So we're gonna talk like two grown adults." Man I'm not trying to do this tonight. "What Rashad?" I turned and looked at him. Wrong move. He licked his lips and looked at me. God damn he look good.

Stay strong. You are not attracted to him. Nope he has a whole girlfriend and we don't play that shit. It doesn't look though does it? "I just wanted to apologized for what happened on the last day of school. I know you're probably tired of hearing me say that but I'm really sorry Reese. I should've just came to you." "Shoddy its fine, I'm over it." "Are you really? When you called me yesterday, it didn't sound like it". "Yes I am. I mean thinking about it made the dare more easier to do because I could act off that but I really am over it."

"You sure?" "Nigga ask me again and I'm going to punch you in your fucking face." "You're so violent. What happened?" "Nigga shut up. I'm not violent. I'm very nice." "Can I get a hug then?" (Sidenote: this is something Reese and Shoddy always do). You can get all this. Stop being so nasty brain/body. "Yea come here big head." We hugged and I swear I didn't want to let go. Next thing you know, I heard someone banging on the door.

"Oh so you with this nigga now?" What the fuck? "Ty we are not together. He has a girlfriend." That I wish he would drop already. The bitch is mad weird. "Yea whatever. Why haven't you been answering my texts and calls?" This nigga got me fucked up. Guess imma have to punch his ass again so he gets it. "I don't have to answer shit. Fuck you mean. What am I supposed to say? Oh thanks for telling me how you really felt, my dumb ass would like to take you back?" Wrong book mother fucker.

"Nah you at least could said what's up? Asked me about the bruise you left on my face!" "Nigga both of y'all got punched and had a bruise. Did you think I cared? Fuck no. Two people who I thought knew me better then anybody turned against me. How the fuck did you think I felt. Did you even think about how I felt at that time? Fuck no so fuck yo little ass boo boo."

"Yo watch the fuck who you taking to" "Nah watch the fuck who you talking to" Rashad said. I forgot he was even there. "Shoddy I got this" "Nah this nigga coming at you like he ain't say foul shit that day. We both said things we shouldn't. At least I apologized to you face to face instead of text messages." Well OK sir. Say that then.

"Yo my nigga mind your fucking business. This doesn't have nothing to do with you" Ty said getting in Shoddy's face. This isn't gonna end well. "Ty you're drunk, just go home". "Actually I'm not, I just got here. I was looking for you to talk and I see you hugged up with this wack ass nigga" he said mean mugging the fuck outta Shoddy. "So what's up then you trying to rumble or nah." He said taking his shirt off.

I know this is a serious moment but Shoddy's body, god is good. Sooooooo good. Abs look like the sculpture Spongebob made for Squidward, a work of art. Jesus take the wheel. Ty took his shirt off too. This is tew much. Looks like he's been working out some more. Both of them had amazing bodies. Thank you God! You a real one.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Ty throw the first punch. Oh shit. Rashad dodged and threw another punch. After that, it was like time stopped and everything was moving so fast. These two were going blow for blow. I had to stop them before they literally killed each other. By the time I got to them, they were on the ground. "Y'all chill. Shoddy stop. Ty calm down!" I was yelling to deaf ears.

"If y'all don't stop, imma fuck both of y'all up!" That seemed to work. Both of them let the other go. "This ain't over." Ty said before he left." "You. Get in the car now. Tell your friends I'm taking you home" Rashad demanded. Low key turned me on. "Why did you fight him? You didn't have to do that!" "Fuck you mean? Nobody was gonna talk to you like that. Not the fuck while I'm standing right there!"

"Rashad slow down. You driving to fast." "Nah I gotta see what my face looks like." "Nigga pull over and look in the rearview mirror!" "Nah". He was still speeding. Next thing you know, the police was right behind us. This is not how I wanted to start my weekend man.......

*Unknown POV*

Did I just see Rashad leave with Reese? I got something for both of they asses now.

Uh oh Unknown is back!

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