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 I write how I write! I'm always looking at ways on how I can improve my writing.

Let's go.

Reese up there.

Rashad POV

   I was washing my hand in the bathroom when I heard someone yell "Reese!" I ran out that bathroom to the parking lot. I really hope nothing happened to my baby. I ran out side to see a boy over top of Reese. I quickly pushed him out of the way and cradled my baby. "What happened?" I asked him. "A car was headed right for him but I managed to get him out of the way before it hit him. That hit would've probably killed him." he said. "Baby wake up." I said trying to get him to wake up but he wasn't responding. "Why isn't he waking up?" I asked. "He probably hit his head o the ground. I'm sorry Rashad." he said apologizing. "Call an ambulance." I said as he dialed 911. I called all of his friends and told the what just happened. "Rashad calm down. I can barely understand what you're saying. Don't do anything irrational. Please wait until we get there."  Lauren said. I didn't even bother to answer her back, I just hung up the phone.

  These mother fuckers wanna commit murder huh? Let me show them waht a real criminal does. "Ayo, what's your name?" I asked he dude that saved Reese. "It's Marco." he responded. "Thank you for saving him. My bad for pushing you like that too." I said. "It's cool. I can tell he means a lot to you." he said. "By any chance, did you get a look at the car?" I asked. "Yea it was a red 2014 Mustang with the license plate DLB1032." he responded. He gave me all I needed to know. I texted Tony and told him to run that plate and then to call me back. "Baby I'm not going anywhere just yet. I'm definitely gonna find who did this to you and thee will be hell to pay" I said while gently stroking his hair. After about 10 minutes, the ambulance and Reese's freinds pulled up. "Oh my god Reese! What happened?" Jay said running to where we were. "Somebody tried to hit him but Marco over here saved him." I said pointing to Marco.

  "Sir we're gonna need you to move out of the way so we can do our job properly." one of the paramedics said. I wasn't in the mood to argue with them so I stepped aside and let them do their thing. "He's breathing so that's a good sign. Looks like he may have went into shock or a slight coma from the impact. We need to get him to the hospital now." she said as they begin to put him on a stretcher. "Y'all go with him. I have something to handle." I said to Jay and the rest of them. "Rashad. Be careful." was all Lauren said to me as she got in the ambulance. As I walked back to my car, I got a call from Tony. "Got any news?" I asked him. "Yeah bro. Looks like the car is registered to Theo. That's not all, the car is about 20 min away from where you're at." he finished. "Bet. Thanks bro." I said getting ready to hang up. "How's he holding up?" he asked. 

  "They said he might have went into shock or a coma. They're taking him to a hospital as we  speak. I'll be on my way there after I handle this." I said. "Bro be careful. See you at the hospital" he said as I hung up. Good thing that everyone knows not to try and stop me. I got another text from Tony telling me the exactly where that car was at. Time for action.

Reese POV

 "It's bright as hell! Turn them damn lights down shit. Trynna blind a nigga." i said as I rubbed my eyes together to get a better focus. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw that I was in a meadow of some sort. It was really beautiful. Lush green grass, a pond to the right and a few trees scattered around. I looked around and noticed two doors to the left of where I was standing.  "Welp this confirms the fact that I'm clearly not on earth." I said as I walked to the doors. On one door was the words "Pain", while the other said "Happiness". "Well, let's go with the bad first shall we?" I said as I opened the door.  As soon as I opened the door, I heard a gunshot. I quickly ducked down. "Well shit y'all and tell me y'all was gonna be shooting and shit." I mumbled.

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