Let's Have Fun

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Laser tagging place in the MM

 Reese POV

 We finally made it to the laser tagging place in about 20 mins. We all got put the car and walked in. This place looks like its gonna be fun. "Well how y'all wanna do this? Girls vs Boys?" Mark asked. "Now you know damn well the teams won't be even! It's only 3 girls here versus 4 boys." she yelled. "Well it's already uneven as is. There's 7 people here so the teams will be uneven." "Due to a random guest" I mumbled. Rashad heard it and just looked at me. "What?" "You tripping for real yo!" he yelled,

  "Is that so? Please explain more. I would love to hear this." I said waiting for him to respond. "You mad at me because I invited my girlfriend to come hang with us. Grow the fuck up. That's my girl, anywhere I go she goes." he stated. "Ah that's only part of it. You invited the bitch that clearly doesn't like me for what reason I don't know. Then somewhere in that head of yours, you thought me and her would magically become BFF's. You got me fucked up. As much shit as she talks about me, you should've known that I didn't want to be around her. That's why she dragged you away with her. Bitch probably made yo trip boring as fuck. I'm also mad that you thought that you could question me about talking to my now ex boyfriend. Fuck you think you are?! I heard you out so why couldn't I listen to him?" I yelled.

  By now the whole group was aware of the tension between me and him. "Alright you two, we cae to have fun so that's what we're gonna do-" "No Mark, let him answer that question. I want to know why I wasn't allowed to talk to him." I cut him off. "It's just that we were repairing our friendship and I didn't want anyone to get in the way of our bonding time." he answered honestly. "Well you kinda ruined it by inviting her and you know that. However, you could've just told me that instead of acting like a little ass kid." "Yeah you right. I'm sorry about. Next time it's just me and you. No add ons. We good?"

  "Yea we good." "Cool now gimme my hug." He's so childish. I hugged him and whispered "Bring her around again and you better make sure she has a brother or male figure is around because somebody is gonna take this ass whooping. Preciate it." I was dead ass serious too. "She won't be so you wont have to worry about that." he answered. "Sometimes you gotta let them argue it out. Now lets go already. Got everybody looking at us like we on an episode of Love and Hip Hop." Lauren said making everybody laugh. "Here's how it's gonna go, Reese, Lauren and Joel will be on one team. Me, Rashad, Jay, and Mimi is the other. Sounds fair?" Mark asked. 

  "Yeah that's cool with us

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  "Yeah that's cool with us." Little did he know that us three together were the best team. "What color we gonna be?" Lauren asked. "Red." Joel answered and I agreed. "Red vs Blue it is. Lets make this interesting. Wanna wager a bet?" Mark asked. "We game. What's the bet" Joel asked. "Ok the whoever team loses owes the winners $10 a piece" Mark said confidently. Easy 40 for us. "It's a bet. I hope y'all have that bread ready for us." Lauren said. We geared up and got ready to play.

   5 rounds later

  "We smoked tall so pay up my nigga's!" Lauren announced. No lie we literally smoked them. They didn't even get one of us out. Rashad was close to getting Joel, but I was right behind him before he could go in for the kill. "We even gave y'all the rematches ya'll asked for and ya'll still lost so rent is due" Joel teased. Me an L bust out laughing. "Here" Mark groaned. "Y'all cheated yo!" "No, you just suck ass my nigga. You almost had me Rashad but my partner looked out" Joel replied hi fiving me. "Here. Damn I had plans for that $30" Jay said. "Well plans change my mans. Thank you for playing." I responded laughing. "Good game you guys. Next time we in that ass though." Mimi said. 

  "At least one person isn't a sore loser. Come on lets get something to eat. I'm hungry." I said. We all piled up the truck and debated about where we wanted to go.  "Fridays!" "Um no. Jay we aren't even dressed properly for that. I say Wendy's." "How about no. Joel, we always go there after school. McDonald's!" "Hell no Lauren! Their food is plastic. I don't think so. Lets go to Five Guys!" "That sounds good I'm in." Rashad said agreeing with me. "I like that too. Something different." Mark responded. I guess it's decided then (A/N: Five Guys is a bomb ass fast food joint. They have the best burgers and fries you could ask for. Plus, they don't be stingy with the fries. Hell the fries alone could fill you up. Y'all have to visit them at least one and experience that piece of heaven).

  We pulled up and went in the restaurant. My nose was soon hit with smell of french fries and burgers. My stomach started to rumble so I power walked my ass to that register. "Welcome to Five Guys. What would you like to have today?" a girl whose name tag read Tiara asked. I like her already. "Hi can I get a bacon cheeseburger with barbecue sauce and Cajun fries with a large Sprite?" "Would that be all?" I nodded yes. "You're total is $6.75" I pulled out $7 dollars out of my pocket and told her to keep the change. I went to reserve a table while everybody ordered. Once they were finished, they all came to where was sitting. "Someones birthday is coming up" Jay teased. "That's like two months away. Way too early to be talking about that." I answered.

  "No it's not. now is the perfect time to plan so we know for sure what we're gonna do that day." Lauren followed up. "I guess. We're gonna be in school by that anyway." I said. "Reese shut the fuck up. Your birthday is 9/24 which correct me if I'm wrong falls on a Saturday." Jay said. They hate when I do this lmfao. "Well whatever y'all wanna do, I'm game."  I said giving in. I just don't like making plans because they always fall through. Whatever. Right before they could say anything, our food was called literally one behind the other. 

  After everyone got they food, I wasted no time tearing that shit up. Fuck that, I'm hungry. I soon heard them doing the same. "Damn Reese you ain't tell me this shit was bomb af!" Jay said. "They give you a ton of fries too! God is good" Joel yelled. I just laughed and continued eating. I stopped and watched them all devour their food. Yea niggas I know they good as hell. I smiled. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard all if our phones go off at the same time. I checked and saw it was in invitation to Mike's end of the summer party. I was about to ask everyone were they going when I saw Rashad's face scrunch up. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

  "It Mira, she's been blowing me up all day. I just wanted a day to hang out with my homies, damn. I got the invitation too, yea I'm going." "Well just tell her that you was hanging out with friends. You don't have to mention me. I don't want to cause y'all any arguments." I said smiling. I was having a good, fun day with my friends. He went outside to call her while we went back to discussing the party. This should be fun.

There's ya update. 

A little fluff chapter because both parties are going to be filled with drama. Trust me.

Y'all Ready?

Question, What's something adventurous that you have done?

Have you ever been laser tagging?


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