Chapter 41- How Much Everyone Loves Her

Start from the beginning

"Anyway save a dance for me Lucy" Nuno says moving to stand up from his chair. "Dancing?" Lucy asks. "It's a party" he says. "It's a small dinner" I say. "Potato patato. Now I'm going to check on the one thing you need at a birthday party" Nuno says. She takes Nuno's seat as I laugh at her delight that there is going to be cake.

"Hey foxy lady" I hear someone say and both Lucy and I turn to see Luke taking the empty seat next to her. She hadn't moved from the seat next to me since she came over. She had eaten her cake and laughed with my sisters.

"Ah Lukey have you missed me since I saw you all of twenty minutes ago?" she grins pushing her empty plate away from her. "Do you think she is going to be this annoy for the rest of her life?" Luke jokes to me. "I'm sure she can be worse so be careful" I joke. "Hey" she says tapping my arm playfully. "I might have to rethink telling you what I came over to say" Luke says. "Spill" she says. "Ya Lukey spill" I grin and Lucy laughs with me. "Jezz" Luke groans.

"Come on I haven't got all night" Lucy says. "Your Dad is going to do a speech" Luke says and she groans. "I'm going to need more cake" she moans picking up her fork and makes a beeline for my plate. "And what do you think you are doing?" I ask pulling back my plate from her reach. "Didn't you hear Luke? My Dad is going to do a speech. I need more cake for the trauma" she says.

"You've had yours. This is mine" I smirk. "Ah but yours looks better" she smiles. "But it's mine" I smile. "But bubba wants some" she pouts and I groan. "You're going to say that a lot. Aren't you?" I groan pushing the plate towards her. "Maybe" she shrugs with a huge grin on her face and slices her fork into the cake. "Man you are so whipped" Luke says. "Hey I'm only think of him. Don't want Fergie giving out to him for eating too much cake" Lucy smirks. "Eat up foxy lady" I say. "Really" she says to Luke and we laugh. "Don't call me that" she says sternly and I can't help but giggle until she shove the fork into my mouth.

"Excuse me" I hear someone says and the room's attention turns to Lucy's Dad standing in the middle of the room. "Now I know what you are all thinking. How can this young good looking guy have a daughter who is twenty one" Liam says and everyone chuckles. "Now I wanted to have a slide show of Lucy growing up with all her family and friends" he says and I can feel Lucy tense up next to me. "But Cristiano reminded me how hard it would be to choose pictures. As he said it's hard to pic when they are all perfect" Liam says. People awh and I dare not look at Lucy.

"Everyone here knows my daughter. You all know how beautiful she is. How smart, talented she is, and how she has a wonderful heart. My baby girl has grown into the most amazing woman. And I know there are people who can't be here tonight who should be with us. And I know that they love Lucy as much as we all do. I was blessed with two beautiful daughters. And even though I never got to see Lacey turn 21. I couldn't be prouder to stand here as Lucy" he pauses and I see Lucy's hand shake in her lap. I take her hand in mine.

"I can't wait to see what the next 21 years bring for my baby girl. She has given me so much. And in another short months, she'll be making me even happier by making me a young good looking granddad" he says and people laugh. "I just want to say to my baby girl how much everyone loves her and will always love her. To Lucy" he says raising a glass. "To Lucy" everyone says. "Now let's all dance" Liam says finishing his speech.

"Are you ok?" I whisper to Lucy. "I will be" she whispers. "Now that wasn't too long" Liam says behind my chair. "Lisa thought it would be longer" I joke, "You ok sweetie?" he asks Lucy. "I'm fine" she says wiping under her eyes. "Thank you for you speech Dad" she says letting go of my hand and standing to hug her father. "Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter" he says and I can see her lip tremble as she smiles at her Dad. "Liam why don't you ask my mother to dance. That's if you can dance to this music" I say.

"Dolores shall we teach these young ones what real dancers look like?" he asks Maé across the table and they both disappear to the dance. "Thanks" Lucy says sitting. "I didn't do anything" I say. "This pregnancy is making way more emotional" she says. "Then have some more cake and dance" I smile. "In a while" she says taking my hand. She leans back against the chair and watches people dance. I squeeze her hand and lean back in my chair. Just happy to be where I am.

"Ok I'm done. No more dancing. Keep Elena away from me" Lucy says flopping onto the chair between her Dad and me. Her sadness had turned into laughter as she enjoyed having fun with everyone. "You've had a busy few nights dancing recently" I say. "Don't think I didn't see you. Out dancing to the Backstreet Boys. I bet you and your teammates are just dying to form a boyband" she jokes. "United men" Dad says and she giggles. "Wayne would be the main singer. You would be the one all the girls would want. Darren would be the bossy manager one and Rio" she says. "Rio would be one who would get old and fat first" I say and she bursts into laughter.

"Wouldn't have thought you'd be a boyband fan Cristiano" Liam says. "Depends on the song" I shrug. I look at Lucy as she takes a sip of water and I see a charm dangling from her wrist and I smile. "I do like Elvis though" I say and I can't read her face as she pauses from taking another sip. I don't know if she's thinking about Madeira. Back when I told her that I loved her.

"Hey foxy lady. We are off" Luke says coming by the table with Matt. "Already" Lucy says. "Some of us don't have the day off tomorrow" Matt says. "Sorry" she says. "Your schedule is quiet tomorrow. We'll cover anything that needs to be done" Luke says. "But" she says. "Relax. Plus Elena told us that your aren't to go to work tomorrow. And I'm not arguing with her" Matt says. "Scardy cat" she jokes. "Enjoy the rest of your party" Luke says. "It's not a party" Lucy and I say and she starts to giggle as Luke and Matt stare at us.

"Thanks for coming" I say. "It was fun. Thanks" Matt says to me. "I'm sorry Josh didn't come. I tried to get him but he wouldn't listen" Luke says. "It doesn't matter" Lucy says. "Well he's being a dickhead" Luke says. "Luke" Lucy says. "What he is? You saw for yourself the other day Cris when you asked him to come tonight. He's so stubborn" Luke says and Lucy looks at me. "You asked Josh to come?" she asks me. "Amm we'll talk to you later" Luke says and leaves with Matt. "He's your friend" I say to Lucy. "But" she says. "It didn't make a difference. He didn't come" I say. "But you asked him" she says.

"Excuse me foxy lady but why are you sitting down?" Elena asks. "Because I'm pregnant. My feet hurt and I'm talking" Lucy smiles. "Ok" Elena grins before leaving. "Foxy lady. You have to tell me about that" I say. "Not a chance and don't call me that" she groans. "Ok I won't for now. Foxy lady" I laugh. "Oh shut up" she says rolling her eyes.

"Sweetie we are heading back to our hotel" Liam says. "But I haven't spent much time with you both" she says. "We have all week. You stay and have fun. Or we could take you home?" he asks. "No you guys go get some sleep. Cris will take me home" she says quickly. She wants me to take her home. Wow.

"Take care of my girl Cristiano" Liam says to me. "Always Sir" I say. "So how fat do you think Rio would get if he left your boyband?" Lucy asks resting her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and laugh.  

I'll Make You See It Was All Real-Sequel to When Does the Pretend End?Where stories live. Discover now