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Name: Wilbert James
Nickname(s): Bert (anyone), Balloons (anyone)
Age: 3 (and five-sixths)
Gender: male
Hobbies: cloud-watching
Likes: the colour yellow, the colour green/aqua, water, cloud-watching, travelling, sightseeing, hugging, cuddling, surprises
Dislikes: staying in one place for too long, kissing, being picked up, seeing someone unhappy, bigger kids picking on littler kids, bugs, cars, trucks
Personality: bubbly, outgoing, happy, giggly, smiling nearly always, caring, sensitive, extroverted, hyper
Appearance: media
Backstory: Bert was at a birthday party when he was two. His parents left early to pick up Bert's older sister from her daycare; Bert would be driven home by a friend's family. Unfortunately, his parents and sister were in a wreck and lost their lives. Having no other family in the country, Bert was taken to the centre.
Health Conditions: ADHD
Abilities: can talk, can walk, can run, can climb, can dress/undress himself, can shower by himself, is beginning to understand how to use binoculars
Possessions: his clothes, his green and yellow water bottle, his binoculars
Other: he loves parties because a party was the last time he saw his parents

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