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Name: Astrid Gudrun
Nickname(s): Ace (everyone)
Age: 11
Gender: female
Hobbies: practicing track-and-field,
Likes: being trusted, being under pressure (she works best under it), winning, running, long jump, upbeat music
Dislikes: LOSING, hurdles (as she says, "I'm great at jumping and even better at running, but once you put running and jumping together, I'm a mess"), fire, excessive heat
Personality: competitive, arrogant, loyal, protective, a little possessive, optimistic, cheerful unless you tick her off, annoyed easily, can be disrespectful
Appearance: media
Backstory: Ace was six when she came to the centre, and she came because her sports-loving parents died—in front of her eyes—in a fire. She had no other family that wanted to take her in so she was sent into the system. Ace took up sports because she wanted to still have a piece of her parents with her, other than the locket she keeps under her shirt. Ace keeps it hidden in fear of someone thinking she likes jewelry or something like that.
Health Conditions: ADD
Other: wants to participate (and hopefully win) the Olympics one day

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