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Name: Coralie Kristel
Nickname(s): Coral (everyone), C.K.
Age: 6
Gender: female
Hobbies: seashell-collecting, sandcastle-making
Likes: the beach, peace and quiet, art museums, paintings, bath-time, the sound of waves splashing onto shore
Dislikes: loud and crowded areas, sudden noises/movements, the dark, bedtime
Personality: shy, timid, quiet, introverted, insecure, emotional, sensitive, creative, artsy
Appearance: media
Backstory: Coral was the daughter of a fisherman whose mother had left promptly after giving birth to Coral. She loves the sea because it is the only thing she has left—other than her seashell collection and special rubber boots—of her late father, who had died when his boat sunk one day. This is why, though Coral loves the beach and water, she is too afraid to venture into the sea itself and swim.
Health Conditions: severe asthma
Abilities: can talk, can read, can walk, can run, can climb, can swim but doesn't like to, can dress/undress herself, can shower by herself, can brush her teeth
Possessions: her clothes, her colouring book, her pencil crayons, her puffer

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