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Name: Aaron Abayomi
Nickname(s): AA (anyone)
Age: 1 (and a half)
Gender: male
Hobbies: sleeping?
Likes: being dressed up, being pampered, cuddling, naptime, being carried
Dislikes: the smell of alcohol, pain, shouting, loud and/or sudden noises, bath-time
Personality: shy, timid, distrusting, once he trusts you giggly and cuddly, sleepy
Appearance: media
Backstory: Aaron was never abused himself, but he did witness his drunkard of a father beat and do other unspeakable things to his mother. Aaron has only been at the adoption centre for two days because his father was arrested only a week ago.
(Mental) Health Conditions: none
Abilities: can talk full sentences but obviously doesn't have a great big vocabulary yet, is beginning to walk for long amounts of time
Possessions: his clothes, his blanket
Other: has nightmares often

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