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Name: Margaret Ainsley
Nickname(s): Maggie (everyone)
Age: 10
Gender: female
Hobbies: birdwatching, watching movies
Likes: rom-coms, Disney, dogs, birds, cheesiness, clichés
Dislikes: hunters, gunshots, bullying, cats
Personality: bubbly, cheery, content, happy, optimistic, cheerful
Appearance: media
Backstory: Four-year-old Maggie was on a vacation with her cousins, who teased and bullied her often. As a prank, they locked her up in a random cabin on the boat they had taken for the vacation. What the cousins didn't know was that they wouldn't be returning to that boat, so they weren't able to retrieve Maggie. The boat was almost at its destination and was finally found. Knowing this would be bad for business, the captain of the boat quickly dropped Maggie off at the centre anonymously. At first, Maggie refused to talk to anyone and was pessimistic and negative, believing no one wanted her. Then she realized no one would want to adopt her if she was so down in the dumps all the time, so she learned to cheer up and see the world as "glass half-full". She looks forward to the day that she gets adopted, and her new, optimistic self says, "And if I don't get adopted, I'll eventually become a legal adult and I can adopt myself!"
Health Conditions: minor asthma
Abilities: can talk, can read, can walk, can run, can climb, can swim, can dress/undress herself, can shower by herself, can brush her teeth
Possessions: her clothes, her puffer which she doesn't really bring around with her, her small collection of romance novels, her large collection of Disney movies
Other: she tries to make jokes but mostly fails

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