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Name: Stephen Terriault
Nickname(s): none
Age: 4 (and a half)
Gender: male
Hobbies: playing soccer, watching soccer, drawing, colouring, finger-painting
Likes: soccer, FIFA, bouncy balls, Van Gogh, people, meeting new people, trying new things
Dislikes: school (other than recess of course), older kids, being looked down upon
Personality: faithful, loyal, humble, sporty, extroverted, content
Appearance: media
Backstory: Stephen's parents used to be rich, but when he was two his family fell into enormous financial problems. Deciding to give him up, Stephen's parents dropped him off at the adoption centre, claiming to be unable to take care of him. The next day, they left the area so no one knows if they really had been unable to provide for Stephen or just didn't want to burden themselves to try.
Health Conditions: none
Abilities: can talk, can read, can walk, can run, can climb, can dress/undress himself, can shower by himself, knows how to brush his teeth
Possessions: his clothes
Other: wants to grow up more than anything

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