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Name: Michael Dallas
Nickname(s): Mikey (pet name)
Age: 6 (and five-sixths)
Gender: male
Hobbies: watching movies
Likes: Pokémon, anime in general, cats, the colour purple, the number twenty-four (he was born on the twenty-fourth of March), being left alone, helping out, being praised
Dislikes: meeting new people, loud noises, human touch
Personality: shy, introverted, helpful, finds everything funny, closed off
Appearance: media
Backstory: Michael felt unloved by his family so he ran away when he was five. He was found by the adoption centre and was put into the system after a month of trying to find his folks.
Health Conditions: none
Abilities: can talk, can walk, can run, can climb, can tread water (but cannot swim) can dress/undress himself, can shower by himself, can brush his teeth
Possessions: his clothes, his Pokémon guide book, his binder for Pokémon, his Ash Ketchum stuffed toy
Other: is afraid of dogs

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