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Name: Jasper Bellamy
Nickname(s): Jase (anyone), Jasey (pet name)
Age: 2 (and three-quarters)
Gender: male
Hobbies: playing soccer, watching soccer, adding doodles on his soccer ball
Likes: SOCCER, football, running, playing, dogs, the park
Dislikes: having to sit still, enclosed spaces, the dark
Personality: sporty, active, hyper, playful, teasing
Appearance: media
Backstory: Jase wasn't abused physically but in fact verbally and emotionally. His father had left once he found out Jase's mother was pregnant, and so Jase is fatherless and sometimes thinks he is unloved. His mother pushed him very hard, called him horrid names and such when he failed and didn't praise him when he succeeded. One day, Jase's mother came home drunk and called him a worthless failure. The next day, she had disappeared and Jase was given to the adoption centre.
(Mental) Health Conditions: ADHD
Abilities: can talk, can walk, can run
Possessions: his clothes, his soccer ball, his Manchester United jersey
Other: is inseparable from his beloved soccer ball

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