Alexander ~ AVAILABLE

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Name: Alexander Thompson
Nickname(s): none
Age: 10 (and three-quarters)
Gender: male
Hobbies: having movie marathons, helping the younger kids with their homework
Likes: CATS, being alone, the dark, being the boss, being relied on, movies, popcorn
Dislikes: being touched, being in public, bullies, abusers, people who try to adopt him, people who mess with his friends and "family"
Personality: closed off, distrusting, vengeful, holds grudges, prideful, arrogant, acts tough, protective, very loyal, a man of his word
Appearance: media
Backstory: Alexander's mother was abused by his father, and once his father had gotten her pregnant but the one day he beat her. Thus, something went wrong with the pregnancy and Alexander's mother was rushed to the hospital. She gave birth to twin boys, Alexander and Andres. Alexander's mother died shortly after giving birth to the premature boys. Alexander's father was not found out so the two boys were raised by him. When Alexander was four, he watched his father beat his brother to death, and in his fear and panic he called 911, having just learned about it in school that day. Long story short, Alexander's father is sentenced to prison and Alexander was given to the adoption centre the day he turned five.
Health Conditions: Alexander has a few health conditions because he was born premature. His immune system is rather weak and he has asthma as well as low stamina. (However, he can endure more pain than most children his age because of the abuse he lived through half his life.)
Abilities: can talk, can read, can walk, can run, can climb, can dress/undress himself, can shower by himself, can brush his teeth
Possessions: his clothes, his large collection of comic books
Other: he refuses to go by anything but Alexander, is part of the safety patrol at school, the younger twin by four minutes

Trendale Adoption Centre - A Roleplay [OPEN]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें