Eagles, Chickens, Same Thing

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I still don't get how one casualty can effect handfuls of people. It's just one soldier... although... they don't have a big army, so I guess it would make sense mourn over the loss of a unit? Taylor walked over to me.
"Hey," she said softly. I was looking down at the ground at that time, still getting lost in my thoughts.
"Hmm?" I asked. She had that sympathy-like expression plastered on her face. Is she feeling bad for me? Why? Even if it weren't for me, I still wouldn't like it. Worry on people's faces is weird, other than fear kind of worry. Just worry about someone other than themselves. I don't see it a lot, but I can sort of make it out. Okay, not really. I forgot she was talking to me. She looked at me with a questioning face.
"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes, why?" I asked.
"Nothing, you just seem really out of it," she said. She just looked at me.
She tried to comfort me by touching my shoulder, I think. But I don't need comforting. I shrugged her hand off and asked, "What are you doing?"
"You just seem lonely," she said.
"Why would you think that?" I questioned.
"I can feel it," she said. She looked down at the floor, then back at me.
"You know, we're all in this together, right?" She ensured. I sighed in response.
"We're both humans, even if you might not think so," she continued.
"What do you mean by, 'might not think so'?" I asked. Zeus cut the conversation short.
"Come on, you two. We're burning daylight. Jaime's waiting for us and there isn't much time before the Elgen guards see that we escaped." He informed. We nodded. I shapeshifted a pair of giant eagle wings coming out from my back.
"You have shapeshifting powers?" She asked.
"No, since I can replicate what I see, I'm shapeshifter too like in the movies and TV shows," I explained. I created a small potion.
"Here," I said, handing her the small vile.
"What's this?" She asked.
"It's a shapeshifting potion. You can only use it 4 times. It lasts about 5 hours. All you have to do is think of what you want to be or, like I did, separate body part."
"Can I turn back to my original form when I shapeshift?" She asked.
"Yeah, but the time it wears out stays. You can keep turning it into different things as long as you can imagine it or have seen it before." I explained.
"Woah, cool," she said, putting it into her pocket.
"I'm gonna fly up high and scout from up above. I'll tell you guys if I see anything." I said, flying off.

The air smelt fresh. The leaves on the trees were green and luscious. Normally, the smell of the outdoors sickens me, but today, I felt happier than usual. I soared into the sky like an Eagle. My dad was right, being an Eagle is way better than being a chicken. Most humans are morons, but I have to admit, not all of them. We all need the same things, but us glows just have perks. The Electroclan has compassion like I see on my TV show that was created by humans. I guess glows and nonels have a lot more similarities than I realized.

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