Annoying Love Birds

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We started leaving the Village of blabbering. We were in a canoe and went down the river. I spaced out for most of it. I couldn't stop thinking of that wacky dream I had last night. Tessa and Michael were trying to find out where they were. I don't care for their constant conversations so I was completely silent. Then there was a voice behind us.
"With your old friend Jaime." We turned around.
"Jaime!" Michael said joyfully.
"Mr. Michael," Jaime said.
"Let me help you out." He continued.
"Help her first," Michael said, noting at Tessa. Jaime offered her a hand but she just hopped into the canoe. Jaime looked at me. I just teleported out of the boat.

We headed into the jungle. I was zapping every bug that went near me. I amp myself up so when Tessa amps, it's like she's doing nothing.

After about a few days, there was barely any food out. I didn't tell Michael about the fact that I can just make food out of anything. I like to keep some things to myself too. I went into the forest and pretended I found bananas. I also created a brush and made sure my hair was fine then destroyed it. Then one night, I decided to talk after being silent for about 3 days in a row. But when I walked up to them, my dad's army had them surrounded and RESATed Jaime.
"Uhh, is this a bad time?" I asked. The guards looked at me. I froze.
"Hey, uh, what do we do with her?" One of the guards said to another. The other guard shrugged.
"Did she rebel?" He asked.
"Depends, do we want to die from her or Hatch?" The other asked. I couldn't blow my cover. I needed the info from Michael for my dad and tell them to play along but I would loose Michael's trust. At least my dad knows I'm with him. I zapped my guards with "all" my might. By that, I mean my usual. They all passed out and were burnt. Hopefully, the RESATs protected them from my blow. I cut them out of the RESATs.
"You guys alright?" I asked. Michael got up. Completely ignored me and ran to Terra to help her up.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Ugh, I'm not staying for this." I stormed out into the woods.

"Ugh! I'm just done! Done! I 'find' them more food, 'save' them from our guards without blowing my cover and Michael just ignored me! Those ungrateful rats!" I yelled into my phone.
"Don't worry, Lynn. This will be all over soon," Dad said calmly into the phone.
"You don't get it! All they do is talk and Tesla just flirts with him... Well, talks to him normally but I know she likes him! You try and deal with Romeo and Juliet for a while week!" I yelled.
"Be patient, Lynn," Dad said. I sighed.
"Fine." I hung up.
I sat on to the dirt and just plopped my back onto the ground with a sigh of relief.
"Peace and quiet. Away from those two." I said to myself.

I used Ian's powers to see what they were doing. They were leaving without me! That's it. I've had it. I teleported right in front of them as they were near a lake. They didn't even notice I was gone. I created a lightning strike as I teleported right in front of them with eyes of fury.
"Were you, ditching me?" I said, pretending to not know they were. There was a pause.
"Did you forget about me?" I said, getting closer.
"What! No! We were just checking the route. We were gonna come get you as soon as we found out how to get past. There's no boat." Tessa explained. I just stared at her with disbelief.
I could've helped them out but I wasn't their true ally. I was gonna let them do it the hard way.

I just teleported across the river as Michael zapped the marine life to get by. I wanted to kill them so bad because of that, but I needed to keep spying. Tessa kept screaming about the water snakes that were there. When she saw one around my arm she screamed. She thought it came from the wild when really I just created it to freak her out. Revenge for zapping marine life.
"Relax, it's just a Death Adder," I laughed. Tessa got even more freaked out.
"Cut it out, Lynn." Michael said. I couldn't believe it. I help him out, he ditches me, and now thinks he's in charge! He's starting to get on my last nerves.

Everyone was tired when they were walking down the forest. They were all tired and mainly asleep. Jaime started snoring. But I didn't mind. It was time that I checked in with my dad.

My dad told me that he wanted me to drop by his company's main office without getting noticed by anyone even his bosses when he goes. It was around the sunrise when I started walking back to the camp. They had already packed. If they left me I swear I'm going to fry them. When I found them they were arguing about saving Michael's friends.
"I don't need you." Michael said, turning away from them. Michael then noticed me.
"Oh, hey, Lynn." He said.
"What's going on here?" I asked.
"Going to find my friends. You want to come?" He asked me. I didn't say anything. I was still angry with him. The last thing I needed was to help him and he acts like I didn't do anything for him.
"I would if you would stop ditching me," I said. I turned around and stormed into the jungle.

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