River Rapids

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We watched those idiots try to outrun my little friends. Of course, they always have another stupid way to wiggle their way out of our grasp. They electrocuted them! I felt electricity swirling in the air as I tried to keep my cool by rewatching scenes of shows that I normally watch during my free time in my mind. I remembered seeing shapeshifters. Then I remembered something. My powers duplicate other's powers or whatever I see so I would be able to do those certain things.
"Stay here, I'm gonna get a better view," I said to Quentin.
"Alright, be back soon. I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitos." He said, itching his arm.

I shapeshifted into a sea snake and slithered my way over towards little that little brat.
"AH! SNAKE!" She yelled.
"I thought I electrocuted them!" Michael shouted back, trying to electrocute me. All he did was enhance my powers. I slithered up Tesla's arm. She squealed even louder. Her screams are ear shattering which made this way harder to hang on without trying to cover my ears. Then Tesla kept shaking the arm I was on up and down. I tightened my grip. She started getting really annoying by trying to shake me off by putting her hand in the water, then out, in, out, in, out. Then she suddenly stopped. I read her mind. She started sensing that it was just me.
"Get off me, Lynn!" She yelled.
"Lynn?!" Michael asked.
"What's going on back there!" Michael asked. I shape shifted into an eagle and mentally commanded the water to get off me, which made my wings dry enough to fly to shore.

I shapeshifted back to my normal form and teleported back to Quentin before they could see where I went or even see me at that.
"That. Went. Horribly." Quentin snorted.
"I'd like to see you do better." I dared.
"Nah, besides, we need to get back." Quentin reminded.
"Alright, fine," I gave in.

Michael Vey Fanfic: Hatch's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now