"you know you talk a lot when you are nervous," he said. "no i dont. that's you all day," my face felt hot. "damn you look sexy when you blush!" he kissed me, again and again and again. he straddled me, poking me with his hard on. there was a knocking on my door. he started sucking on my neck and grinding his hips into mine. "babe....there is someone at the door," i said. "they can wait, " he growled into my neck. the knocking got louder. i sighed. i rolled my self on top. he was ferocious, gripping my arms tightly and leaving hickeys on my neck. "just...give me a minute. ill get rid of em. i dont want anyone to hear you scream," i grinned. he pulled away with a dark blush. "o...ok. hurry back," a quick kiss before i got out the bed. i didnt bother putting on undies. i hope who ever it is will get the hint.

i opened the door, not bothering to hide my hard on. i was surprised to see kiba at my door. he had a dark blush as he looked me up and down before looking away. "can we....can we talk?" he asked. "im fine, kiba. as you can see....ive already moved on. i planned for shino to come before we even got together again. im the one who should be apologizing here. tell shino that im fine now....your stuff is in my car. ill drop it off to you in the morning. i need to get back to my boyfriend. we have some....things to take care of," i motioned to my throbbing hard on. he nodded before running away. ok. i closed the door and locked it. no more distractions. back to shika.

"s-s-shit..." i muttered. he has never done this before. he told me he was still sore from earlier so i suggested oral but.....shit. i could have sworn this was his first time doing this. "are....are you sure this is...your first time?" i muttered, running a hand through his hair. "*pop* yeah...ive done my research," he whispered, running his tongue up my length. sent a shiver right up my spine. never thought id get my dick worshiped twice in my life. first it was obito and now him? this is way to good to be a regular thing. way to good. he massaged my balls while taking me into his mouth once more. i had to fight the urge to fuck his face. instead, i just simply gripped the pillow as he began to bob once more. he slurped and bobbed, drooling down the length as he pushed it back further in his mouth. he hummed. shit. i couldn't hold back any longer. i clenched, gritting my teeth hard as i came in his mouth. he gaged before swallowing. i was done. that's it. this was the third time i had sex in the past two days. i have zero left in the tank. he didnt take me out his mouth though. he just sucked on my flaccid dick for a while. i wasn't lying when i said i was done though. i really have none left in the tank. he had his eyes closed and looked like he was....enjoying it. savoring it in his mouth and juggling my balls with his hand. he put as much of it in his mouth as he could, pressing his lips into my bush. i felt him clench, squeezing his lips on the base. he sucked hard, dragging his teeth gently over the skin as he pulled me out with a pop. he was grinning. "didnt think...i would enjoy this...that much," he wiped his hand on the sheets, having soaked it with his own cum. he climbed into the bed next to me. i grabbed his waist and pulled him close, leaning in. he stopped me with a finger. "do you know what has been in my mouth?" he raised a brow. "i spent an hour with my tongue up ya ass. give me a kiss," i grunted, pressing my lips against his.

the taste was....foul, absolutely foul, but...mingled well with the taste of me in his mouth. the mixture was pretty appetizing, surprisingly. i pulled away. he wiped his mouth. "oh that was nasty. that was disgusting," he gripped my neck and kissed me again. he pulled away. "you need to brush your teeth...and rinse with mouthwash," he kissed me again. he pulled away. "then throw away the toothbrush and get another before brushing again with alcohol, peroxide, and soap," he kissed me again. he pulled himself on top of me and didnt stop kissing me, aggressively feeling around my mouth with his tongue. i pulled away. "another round?" i asked. "tsk....no. my ass still hurts," he grunted, flashing a cocky grin. "oh thank god. i literally have zero left in the tank. you know this is my third time in the last two days," i said. he chuckled. "i have a realization for you, ok? just hear me out cause its pretty intense......you might just be a man whore," he said. "not no more. im a one man....man now," i grinned, kissing him again. he pulled away and buried his face in my neck, spreading his body over mine lazily. "im....im just gonna sleep like this, babe. at least until it stops aching," he mumbled, putting his arms under the pillow my head was on. i pulled the sheets over us. "we are having brunch at a fancy restaurant tomorrow. i need to talk to the owner for a bit," i said. he mumbled into my neck before his body got heavier and his breathing evened out, telling me he fell asleep. i sighed. this was pretty fulfilling. i never realized it was sooo much better when you dont think about other people. now...i need to think of a way to get rid of juugo. im gonna go to habaneros to talk to mrs uzumaki cause i get the feeling she knows how to talk to juugo's wife. then...i can work on getting them back together. tsk...im totally a matchmaker now. i reunited kiba and shino, put asuma and iruka back together, working on getting juugo and his wife back together. i sighed. this makes me feel better. knowing that i messed up soo many lives but now im actually working to fix them. yeah. i can sleep well knowing that.


shino pov

i felt this deep sense of.....disappointment. i pulled his back to mine, which he would usually wince at but he didnt, simply getting comfy in my embrace. he nestled himself against me, pressing his ass against my groin. that's another thing....he was much more....loose. i just slid in with no problems. didnt even need to prep him, although i did cause i had really missed the feeling of his ass on my face. he didnt react like he did the last time when i ate him out either. i took off my glasses and put them on the nightstand before resting my head against his and squeezing him tight. shit....it was hard to fall asleep with such a deep sense of disappointment i the air. "whats wrong, babe?" i whispered. i figured he would be happy to finally be with me after soo long. he was quite the opposite. "john....reminded me of you in every way except...." he trailed off. "tell me. i promise i wont be mad," i grunted. ok, i was a bit irked. he is comparing me to that guy. "he was just sooo much....better than you in bed. he was bigger and thicker than you not to mention stronger than you with at least three times the stamina. he...he worshiped my body and some how managed to put every inch of me in his mouth every time we made love. compared to that, i cant help but feel a bit of regret for leaving him like i did," he muttered. worship his body? tsk...i wish he would lose some weight. his riding me was hurting like a motherfucker. felt like he might break it off. not to mention his jiggle. im GAY. i dont like tits. i like a nice firm chest and ass and i can tell he is losing a lot of definition. "kiba...have you been slacking in the gym? your jiggling is getting the best of you," i muttered. he seemed taken aback at that but bit his tongue. "no...ive been eating a lot more though. it takes a lot of energy out of me after a night with john," he muttered through gritted teeth. "well we are going to the gym tomorrow and putting you on a diet. you weigh a ton," i muttered before dozing off.


i swear i love kiba. i really do. i....i might have an obsession with him. just a little. ok...maybe a ton. when i match shika with the guy i have in mind, definitely gonna mess with kiba one last time before getting with kakashi. ok. yeah. ill do that.


Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now