naw im good

great. enjoy your evening, thanks for your time, and ill see you bright and early tomorrow morning


***end call***

that was surprisingly easy. its only Friday and ive already got him coming over. now...all i need to do is talk with john about how he can set it up for those two to meet and bam! ill have my man back. i...i think this will work out a lot better than i could ever dream.


shikamaru pov

i was happy. kiba was happy. everyone was happy. another win by a landslide with the captain as the star player as usual. turns out those new plays were the key to our victory tonight. kiba was restless, having trouble siting still during the post game meeting. as soon as we broke, he took off running to the visiting team field house. ive always wondered how he could be sooo energetic after running up and down the field like 20 times. its weird how much stamina that guy has. whatever. im sure it has to do with something john told him before we left.

after getting ready, we all started the two hour journey back home. i had to sit next to kiba in the back seat. i was actually surprised he took a shower this time. he NEVER takes a shower until we get back and not even till morning. his room be smelling like death. he was looking out the window and tapping his foot impatiently. "whats the special occasion, kiba? you NEVER take a shower after a game," i said. he chuckled as he looked at me. "john hates it when i come to bed stinking and....well...he promised to do something for me," he looked away with a dark blush. i raised a brow. "something?" i inquired. "he said 'ill show you how much i love your jiggle' when i get back. im excited as to what he has planned," he said. well...that was sorta expected. he is happy about sex when he gets back. shit....i sorta wish i had that. asuma actually told me he was watching porn all day today to see if he could pick up some moves before our meeting tomorrow. so its another night alone in my bed. i cant even ask kiba to cuddle with me cause he is staying with john right now. it fucking sucks. we dropped him off and headed back to the frat house where my loneliness awaits.

reader pov

i just laid there, wallowing in self pity. kakashi tried to call a few times but gave up after a few hours. i couldn't stay with him. not just yet. oh how i had longed for the time when he actually wanted to cuddle with me but i didnt want it to be like that. for him to only change his mind after we had sex. if only he---i was pulled from my thoughts when i heard a knocking on my door. sasuke has a key....and is also still staying with his girlfriend so im the only one here. shit....its kiba, isn't it? i almost forgot he was susposed to be coming back after his game. im just glad i remembered to take a shower over kakashi's house. who knows what he would have did if he would have smelled sex on me. i got out of bed and headed in the living room in my undies. i opened the door, wiping my eyes of the sleep. he was smiling hard as he looked up at me. i leaned in and kissed him warmly. i put an arm around his waist and pulled him close. i pulled away. "i was sooo lonely having to sleep in the bed by myself," i whispered. a dark blush came over his cheeks. i pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. i took him into my room and closed the door. he started stripping as i got in the bed. he pulled off his undies and climbed under the covers with me. he seemed soo....tense. weird cause he was always relaxed around me. especially when we were messing around. i slid in almost too easily. he didnt even rush to snuggle up with me like he normally would. "whats wrong?" i whispered, pulling him closer to me. "its just....what you said earlier. about loving my extra. it just makes me feel are just saying all the things i wanna hear and it makes me uneasy," he muttered. apparently someone was a bit subconscious about how they looked. "nope. what should make you uneasy is if you believed i was lying when i said it. i love your body, kiba. every jiggle, all the softness, even the little fur between your cheeks that tickles my nose. i love how pleasantly plump you are. you are a healthy strong young man. you extra just magnifies your muscles and makes me feel like a dog in heat when im around you but its ok," i rolled on top of him between his legs. "ill show you how much i love all your extra," i kissed him. i let my hands roam his body, savoring the subtleness of him. i swear every time with kiba feels like our second time. just enjoying how his body feels. biting back the lust and just savoring him. i kissed on his cheek. on his neck, sucking till i left some marks on him, claiming him as mines and mines alone. i kissed on his chest, making sure to leave marks there too. sucking on his nipples, taking as much of his pec into my mouth as i could. savoring his sweating and deep even breathing against me. not neglecting his other pec. i massaged his chest with my hands, feeling him start to relax. he ran a hand through my hair as i kissed lower and lower. i took his throbbing dick in my hand and started stroking him. he rolled his hips, whispering words of encouragement as i stroked him harder. i kissed on his thighs. he didnt wait for me to lift his legs. he lifted them on his own and spread his cheeks, revealing his puckering hole surrounded by short blond fur. i pulled his hips closer as he took over stroking himself slowly and firmly. i kissed it, sending a pulled through his body that made him shiver. i pushed my tongue inside, letting it swirl and make 'o' motions. i nipped and bit at the soft pink skin before licking it and flicking it with my tongue. i realized this isn't the best angle. i lifted his leg over, asking him to flip on his stomach.

he complied, rolling over and burying his face in a pillow. he spread his legs far and wide, presenting himself to me. he poked his butt up, begging me softly to continue. i spread his cheeks again and gave it a sloppy kiss. he quivered, continuing to stroke himself as i worked my tongue on every inch of his big beautiful ass. i sucked on his cheeks, taking big open mouth bites out of them and leaving teeth marks. he wouldn't stop shaking and puckering. i slicked two fingers and pushed them inside him. he pushed back on my fingers as i worked them inside him. i slipped in a third before he started begging. "please....please put it in..." he whimpered, actually on the verge of tears. i had to admit violating kiba was a huge turn on. and his begging only made it better. he reached back and gripped my hands, placing them square on his ass and pushing back, pressing his ass against my groin. he grabbed some pillows and put them under his chest. he wiggled his ass against me. ok. i was actually hard. looks like im having sex twice today. i tugged off my undies, letting it fling against him, earning a low whimper. he ground himself against it, tugging at the skin and growling into his pillow. i pulled away and lined up against him. as soon as i started inside, he forced me all in at once. he rolled his hips and spread his legs wider before pushing back on me, fucking himself. all i had to do was just watch as i slid in and out and his ass cheeks collided with my groin at an alarming pace. after enjoying it for a while, i was on edge. i could feel him getting tired too. i pushed on his lower back, pressing him down on the bed before i started thrusting hard fast and deep, abusing his prostate. he clenched but that didnt stop me from thrusting. i kept going as he came on the sheets. "F-F-FUCK!!!" he screamed as he kept stroking.

i laid on his back, resting my head next to his. he just sprawled out, wiggling his ass to get comfy with me inside him. his hands snaked in mine. a kiss. i pulled away and nuzzled my face against his cheek, earning a low giggle and a smile. i pulled the covers over us. "now do you understand how much i love...shit. i might just love you, kiba," i admitted. i dont know if i would call it love but i wouldn't be mad if it took juugo a couple of months, or never, to find and bring shino here. his eyes widened. " love me?" he whispered. i kissed him, savoring his taste for the first time. yeah....fuck kakashi. ill just go for someone who actually wants to be with me. yeah.....ill do that.


kakashi pov

shit! how is he gonna just leave like that? after i was on the verge of begging him to stay. i thought he would be joyful and i would immediately regret it but...shit. the look in his eyes were....conflicted. like he wanted it much more than i would ever know but he doesn't wanna get too deep, knowing that ill break it off with my confusing ass. shit. why cant i just accept this? just accept the fact that i want this a whole lot more than im leading on. i just cant seem to get over the fact that he is one of my students! if it wasn't for my obsession with what people think of me, id have me a good boyfriend. probably the best i would have ever had. shit. its soo hard to get to sleep. ive come to miss how it felt when he held me like he did. loving my touch much more than i did and not afraid to show it. not hiding his love for being with me. the thing that makes it so bad is that it was real. he wasn't lying when he said those things. he loved being with me and he told me flat out. shit. i pulled up the covers. the breeze was starting to bite my sore ass. shit. all i can really do is wait it out. we only have about two months of classes before the break. if i can wait it out, ill go get him. i dont care about over the break. that way all ill have to do is make sure he isn't one of my students next semester, and ill be home free. ill have the man who is quickly becoming what i had dreamed of. yeah...ill do that.


yeah...that's why shino is coming a bit earlier than intended.


Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now