Mel took my hand and guided me to sit down beside her. "Listen, Y/N, I didn't want to say anything but you're obviously going through a mid life crisis at the moment."

"What are you talking about?" I chucked. "I'm fine!"

"Y/N, your eye literally just twitched."

"I stayed up to watch the sun rise."

"The sun rises at seven in the morning. Did you stay up until seven?"

"Um, well... kinda?"

"What is that supposed to mean? What time did you go to sleep? What time have you been going to sleep since your talk with Harry?"

I blinked. "Yes."

Mel frowned and shook her head. "Listen, I understand your personality. You're stubborn yeah, that's very cute and all but you're gonna have to stop. I understand that you feel some type of way for trusting Harry and what not, everyone of our friends do. If you're upset, then just admit that you are upset."

"But I'm not," I whispered.

"Okay, then how do you feel? And if you say that you feel great then I might just have to kick your ass okay."

I thought for a while. "I don't know how you want me to feel, Mel."

Mel sighed. "I think I know how to resolve this."

I looked at her questionably before she took my hand and dashed out of the pottery class.


"I don't really know if I want to do this..."

Mel rolled her eyes and handed me the equipment. "C'mon, laser tag is fun. It can get you aggression out."

"But I'm not angry though."

"Listen, if you say that one more time I'm not gonna hesitate to beat yo ass. Just play. It'll be fun."

"Fine but I'm really bad at things."


Mel and I watched as the timer on the wall counted down from ten to signal the beginning of the game. As soon as the timer stopped and started blinking green, Mel immediately got me.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!" I pouted.

"Sucks for you. Catch me if you can!" she sang, running away from me to who knows where.

I sighed before chasing after her. Damn, she was fast.

I felt my chest vibrate and looked around to spot Mel standing behind an obstacle. "You really do suck. I wonder why Harry left you."

I furrowed my brows before aiming and shooting. Mel stumbled back and looked at me, blinking in surprise. "You shot me."

"I'm about to do much more of you don't run, bitch."

"Peace, I value life," Mel said before running off again.

That was when I busted out my James Bond inner self and darted after her, repeatedly shooting the laser gun.

"Shit, you said you weren't good."

"Well, I guess people lie," I seethed.

She stopped and looked at me. "Yo, I really feel like this therapy session is working out for you, fam."

"I don't know what you mean."

"You sounded really aggressive then. It also sounded like you were subbing someone."

"Not really. There's no one to sub."

"Yeah, okay. Keep saying that. Maybe you'll eventually end up convincing yourself."

"I'm really fine. I don't understand why you're so concerned. I don't even care about Harry anyways."

"Okay, if you say so-"

"I mean it's not as if he continuously led me on and disregarded my feelings."

"Yo, I really think-"

"I mean it's not as if he acted possessive as fuck towards me and acted as if he cared about me when he actually didn't. It's not as if he made my family like him and now they won't stop asking me about him. It's not as if he's got me feeling stupid for actually like him – oh."

Mel looked at me and blinked as I widened my eyes in realization.

"Oh my god, I like Harry."

"No duh, I'm just surprised that you're just now realizing it. I thought that you were just keeping it to yourself but you are really that stupid. Damn. I owe Ted some money now."

"Oh my god, I like Harry."


Took her long enough. Only like 66 chapters and an essay I mean

I'm shit don't kill me ok


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