The next morning...

               I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock. Last night I was too lazy to even change into my pjs or take off my earbuds, so I also woke up to that same Christina Perri song on low volume in the morning. Last night I couldn't forget about the fight, so I pretty much did what I always do when I'm sad, which is be a complete baby about it.
               I pretty much just brushed my teeth, threw a grey sweater over yesterday's shirt, some black joggers since I only took off my pants last night when I got home, left my hair the way it was yesterday because it was straightened, put on my studs, fixed my mascara since I didn't put on any foundation on yesterday because I was having an acne-free week, peach colored lipstick, and burgundy converse. Yeah I was pretty lazy today.
                I ate, got what I needed, and ran with my little brother to the bus stop. The whole trip to school was quiet and boring. Once I got there, I remembered that Mia said she was going to tutoring for math in the morning so she wouldn't be in our usual meet up area. So I pretty much took out the book I was reading called "Love Letters To The Dead".
               After awhile, I looked up and saw Stephanie flirting with Ivan. I was pissed that he didn't notice me, but what made me even angrier was that Stephanie was flirting with MY BOYFRIEND. I wanted to get up and fight her so bad, but then I remembered the fight we had yesterday. Even that couldn't stop me from getting up and acting a fool.
             "Oh, hey Stephanie! I thought you had volleyball practice this morning." I said, weirdly cheerful. "Um, how did you know I was in volleyball?" She turned around. "Oh you know, I'm not stupid, you're obviously wearing our schools volleyball jersey!" I couldn't help but to just act cheerful. "Creepy..." Stephanie mumbled and quickly walked away.
              "What was that for?" Ivan asked. "Oh ya know, it's called a girls that aren't your girlfriend repellent." I smiled. "Wow, ok now you're jealous of other girls." Ivan said. "Says the guy who also happens to get jealous easily! Plus, she was obviously flirting with you!" I was still smiling for some reason. "So do all the girls in this school, what do you expect me to do!" He exclaimed. "Oh I don't know! Walk away!" I rolled my eyes and walked away to my first period class.
               I tried not to think of Ivan up until PE since his spot is like right next to mine. We didn't talk and it kind of hurt realizing we were ignoring each other. I tried once again to stop thinking about him and focus on the task I was given which was running a mile in under 8 minutes.
             I pretty much was barely able to go through school and got home pretty quickly. I got home and signed some papers with my dad so I can try out for a dance club at my school.
              After that, I went up stairs to my room and began doing homework. The whole time I was constantly checking my phone to see if I had gotten any texts or calls from Ivan. I'm such a wimp. I ran my fingers through my hair and decided to call him myself.
            1st call: no answer
            2nd call: no answer
            3rd call: still no answer
          "Ugh!" I exclaimed and waited for an answer. It had been an hour and a half already since I had called him so I grabbed enough courage to walk to his house.
           I knocked on the door. Once I heard the door unlock, I smiled nervously, expecting Ivan to answer, but it was only Darien. "Where's Ivan?" I asked feeling devastated. "I think he said he was going to the park, but I'm not sure." Darien said. I sighed and quickly walked to the park.
             I came, only to find out he wasn't there anymore. I saw Sammy there, so I asked him if he knew. "He said he was going to Walmart actually." Sammy shot a basketball in the hoop. "K thanks!" I said. "No problem!" He shouted. So I walked all the way to Walmart and waited at the exit for like half an hour.  I was starting to lose my confidence and left. I feel so tired that all I want to do is sit down and drink some water. It was already starting to get dark when I finally found him sitting on the sidewalk right across me.
               I stared at him for a while, unsure of what to do, until he looked up and saw me right there. We were speechless for a long time, until I lost control and ran towards him. I hugged him, tightly, waiting for him to say something. "I'm really sorry for the other day and this morning!" I immediately shouted. There was a long silence. "I'm sorry too." He laid his head on mine, and hugged me tightly as well. "I just haven't been in the best mood lately." He whispered calmly. "I haven't either." I buried my head into his chest, happy to feel the warmth of his his body once again.
               I looked up and he lightly kissed me. "So, what have you been doing all this time instead of staying in one place?" I asked. "Thinking." He smiled. "You do know I've spent hours looking for you to apologize." I laughed. "Nope, and I definitely don't want to!" He laughed as well and let me have the rest of his water. He gave me a piggy back ride, even though I said no and we walked home.

I guess there is rainbow after every problem.

*Hi guys! This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written and I'll probably make more just like this one :) Anyways plz like, vote, comment, follow, or make any suggestions to make this story better!
Luv ya!

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