as soon as we walked in class, naruto walked over and stole kiba away from me. i just shrugged. they seemed to be chatting about something. i headed towards my seat when i saw a sulking shika sitting there. i politely took a seat next to him. "come on, spill it. was the booty not that good?" i teased. "no, it was fine, its just...he wants to get back with his husband now," he grumbled. i shrugged. "makes sense. i think four years or whatever is still worth fighting for," i said. "but what about me? here i was finally thinking i had someone who was all mines and now i dont even have that," he grumbled to himself. i rubbed his back soothingly. "im sure it will be fine, shika. you are mega sexy so you will find someone in no time," i said. a dark blush came over his cheeks. " really think im sexy?" he muttered to himself. i raised a brow. "if i wasn't dating kiba, i would totally take you home and wreak you. come on, you know that," i grinned. he looked at me. "ooohhh kay kids! all we are doing is the quiz for chapter 7 today. as soon as you finish, you can go," said tsunade as she set up her things. i patted shika's back before getting up and returning to my seat next to kiba. he was sulking in the desk. as soon as i sat down, he held my hand. i looked at him. "whats wrong?" i asked. "coach wants us at practice early so we can go over new plays before we head straight to the game two cities over. i have to go right after this class," he grumbled. "its fine, babe. ill see ya when you get back. i have some studying to do," i said. that was actually true. i have some chapters to catch up on in kakashi's class. he sighed. tsunade started passing out the tests.

i finished mine around 20 minutes into class. i spied naruto and shika turning in their tests before glancing at us. kiba wrote down the last answer and stood up, pulling me up right along with him. i didnt bother unpacking my bag since i knew there was a test today so i just grabbed it and my test and followed kiba up to the front. we turned our stuff in. "you guys have a nice weekend," grumbled tsunade as we walked out. she didnt seem like she was in a good mood. i shrugged. as soon as we stepped out, kiba pulled me into a kiss. i rested my arms around his waist and pulled him close. i gently massaged his butt, showing it my love and affection and fighting the urge to lick every centimeter of it. it was pretty heated. he kept trying to pull me closer and reach his tongue down my throat. "come on kiba! we gotta go!" called naruto from down the hall. i pulled away with a pop. "ill see ya tonight. we can celebrate," i grinned. he nodded. a quick peck and he jogged off. ok. i headed to my next class.

i got here really early but its fine cause i dont really have anything else to do and kiba had left. i sat in the front like usual and had started reading when i got a text.

kakashi: sex. after class

i wanted to scream. i never thought i would get a message like this from a guy like him.

me: YES where at?

kakashi: you know where my house is

i know our relationship really bothers him but i love it. i really love it. this time, im not only gonna do doggy style. we are actually having sex this time.

shikamaru pov

asuma: whatcha doin?

me: at football practice

asuma: i wanna chat with you and your buddy about my...problem

me: not really the time. after practice i have to go to the game. im sure we can chat tomorrow sometime

asuma: ok

i sighed as i put my phone away. i watched kiba running all around and doing the plays all happy like. thinking that all was right with the world. got him a man that he thinks is all his even though i know the truth. its still pretty messed up though. john is making him think that he is all into it but is in reality just passing the time till teach comes around for him. i wonder when that will be. i pretty sure they fooled around a few times now. when are they just gonna make it official? tsk...and im pretty sure its kakashi that is holding out. the funny thing is that kakashi probably wants it just as much as john but has some weird reservations about it like 'i cant because you are my student' or something like that. i wish they would stop messing around. any longer and kiba might actually fall for john and its shino all over again.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Where stories live. Discover now