You and Me

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McKenna's pov

"My feet hurt!" I groaned slipping off my shoes. I put them in Dominic lap, and he started massaging them. We had been looking at wedding venues in Atlanta all day, and came up with nothing. No place was perfect enough to say our "I do's."

"How about we don't get married in Atlanta." Dominic suggested.

"Honestly, I have always wanted a beach wedding." I smiled at the thought of it.

"Let's try Savannah then." He shrugged. I nodded.

"I love you Cody." I smiled kissing my baby on the cheek. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek back.

"Aye lil man that's mine." Dominic said to him in a warning voice. Cody glanced at him. Then he kissed me again.

"Aww." A group of girls cooed walking past us. We were in the grocery store with Cody in the cart that Dominic was pushing. I walked along the side doing the actual shopping.

"Believe it or not this is where I met Bryce." I said as we passed the Lofthouse cookies.

"How did you even start fucking with ole boy? Y'all exchanged numbers on sight?" Dominic asked. I glared at him. For using profanity in front of Cody.

"No. Micah had called me from your phone so I left. Aria was the one who got his number and told him I'd call him when I came to my senses." I explained.

"And you called him somewhere down the line."

"Nope. Really, I was chilling in the lounge with Aria and Reagan and he walked in with some girl. He walked over to me. The girl went straight off, but suh got over it." I shrugged.

"You and ole dude were strictly my platonic? No sex?"

"No sex," I shook my head. "You got hella questions man."

He shrugged grabbing some bread, and we headed to the checkout line.

"I just been curious." He told me.

"I'm curious too. What the fuck was her kitty missing?" I asked.

He laughed, "Back to this."

"Yep. You were having sex with that hoe weren't you?" I asked knowing if he answered I might have gotten hurt.

"No. She was being petty because she knew I was with you." He told me.

"I ought to beat ha ass." I said through gritted teeth.

He laughed covering Cody's ears.

"Curse words remember." He said. I laughed.

We checked out and headed to the car. We put the stuff in the trunk while he strapped in Cody. I finished, but he was struggling so I walked up behind him,grabbing his butt. He turned around, glaring at me.

"I love you." I pecked his lips.

He grabbed my ass which basically fit in his two hands.

"I love you too." He bent down kissing me. I wrapped, my arms around his neck giving him a real kiss.

"Mine!" Cody yelled. We both turned to look at him, he crawled out of his car seat and to the car door, standing there puckering his lips. I laughed, grabbing him.

We finished putting the grocery up and my phone started going crazy on the table. I picked it up. I opened the link which led to a blog. There was picture of me and Dominic and our scene earlier. I looked at it confused.

"Bryson Tiller's girlfriend stepping out?" Dominic laughed over my shoulder. People are crazy. I dialed Bryce's number.

"Wassup Miki?" He answered on the second ring.

"Oh my gosh..." I gasped. He laughed, causing me to laugh.

"It's not funny Bryce." I said.

"No I was laughing because I knew you would react like that. Just know it'll blow over." He said.

"Don't even give me that. They always say that."

He laughed.

"No for real," he said. "You ain't hit a nigga up in forever though."

"The phone works two ways." I told him.

"You right."

Drew's pov

I wonder if I called her right now would she answer.

"What are you thinking about?" India asked.

"Us." I mumbled. I knew I shouldn't lie, it just happened without thinking.

"So there's an us now? I thought there was a you, and a me." She said.

That shit slick didn't make sense. I ignored that and touched her stomach.

"I always imagined I'd be married before having a child." She said.

"Doesn't everyone?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I'm surprised McKenna and Dominic don't have a house full by now." I said.

"Why? McKenna is the innocent type she probably just giggles and laughs when he gets freaky."

"Nah she more freaky than she shows. Dominic got something special on his hands."

"And so do you if you would hop off of her clit, and see me sitting right in front of you trying to love you." India mumbled. I looked at her.

"I see you."

Love Majors: Sequel to Nerdy LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon