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 Brindle stood at the viewing window in the Angelic quarters she shared with Marcus and looked out as soft white clouds floated by.  She still got the impression that you could lay comfortably on one and float away, but Marcus made sure she knew that was not possible.

She turned and looked at her surroundings, the room was large and airy one entire wall was glassed – the viewing window she called it.  The room was set up like a living room, with an overstuffed couch and matching arm chairs, a coffee table was set in the middle with a bowl of liquid in the middle of it where small scented candles floated at night

The room had three doors leading to the bedroom and en-suite, the kitchen dining area and the third to an office and work area with a large table she guessed was used for meetings.  Against the walls were shelves with ancient leather bound books and scrolls.

She sighed, it had been just over six weeks since the battle… since she got her wings and so much had happened.  She let her mind drift to the past weeks, considering all that had taken place after the Spirit Man and the Angels had left. 

Marcus had wanted to bring her here right after the battle, Arias was taking Brae back to the farm to rest and await her call, but Brindle wanted to go there too.  She wanted to see the woman and her children, she needed to see that they were alright and assure them herself that they would be safe there.

When they appeared in the front garden everyone was surprised and in awe of her wings.  Marcus helped Brindle to hide her wings so she could walk through the house easily and once she’d spent some time with the family and reassured them Joslyn ushered her down stairs to the living room so they could talk.

Tayne tagged along wanting to know more of what had happened so he could in turn explain to his mother.  He stayed towards the back of the room, but Brindle beckoned him forward and had him sit next to her and Marcus on the couch.  She smiled at him, “It is fitting that you hear this Tayne.  I want you and your family to understand that you truly are safe here.  No one will harm any of you, okay.”

Tayne nodded and waited for them to tell their story and sat in awe and wonder as the tale unfolded.  That she was who she said and still allowed him to sit beside her…  Brindle put an arm around Tayne’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.  “I may not be human anymore little man, but I once was and I know what it’s like to be different.”

She smiled at him reassuringly,  “Brae will be here if you need someone to talk to about what’s happened and I’m sure there will be others here to help you and your family adjust to who and ‘what’ you are.  I dare say Arias won’t be too far away either,” she said the last with a grin as she turned and saw Arias holding Tayne’s  baby sister Syndal and trying quietly to get her to smile.

By the time they had told their story Brindle was exhausted, so much had happened and she finally had answers about her heritage and what her true destiny was to be.  Her emotions were pulled tight and all she wanted was a hot shower and to snuggle somewhere soft and comfortable with Marcus.

She smiled to herself thinking, “With Marcus… I can’t believe he is mine.”  Marcus sensed her thoughts and kissed her temple.  He realised she needed rest, they all did, so he stood and drew her with him.

Joslyn and Brody stood as did everyone else and they both hugged Brindle as family do and said their goodbyes.  “You keep in touch?” asked Brody.

“Always!  We are family and I have a feeling I’m likely to turn up on your doorstep with others needing a home and someone to trust.” She looked to Brae, “You’ll stay here?  The family,” and she nodded towards Tayne, “they will need your strength, as will the other residence.”

The KeeperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang