Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Brindle felt the darkness recede and with it the burning sensation on her back.  For some strange reason she imagined herself watching MTV and listening to Shakespeare’s Sister’s video clip of ‘Stay with me’ and felt it kind of fit the situation.  She wanted to stay, she didn’t want to leave Marcus, not now that she’d come to realise that she loved him. 

She could feel the cord around her neck come loose and a light breeze swept it off her throat, spreading the threads either side of her back where the crucifix had come to rest… where her back had burned so badly.  She could feel the threads separating and if she didn’t know better she’d swear they were heavier.

The pain had now faded completely and she could feel her strength starting to return.  In fact she was starting to feel stronger than she’d ever felt before.  “Marcus,” she said softly, “I’m here and somehow I don’t think I’m going anywhere without you.”  She pulled herself up onto her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck.  “I’m here Marcus and no one’s ever gonna separate us again!”

Both Brindle and Marcus sensed the presence of the Spirit Man and turned to him.  He was encompassed by a sliver glow and shimmered as he moved towards her.  “Father…”

Obanab held up his hand to silence her, “Daughter,” he began, “You have well pleased me!  You chose to save a family you believed to be innocent despite their heritage, and despite the fact that Searchers would have destroyed them without a thought.”

He looked at Marcus and smiled, “long have you waited for her return Guardian.  You have served me well and shall be rewarded.”  Then he reached down and kissed Brindle on the forehead.  “Daughter, you did you what you believed to be right the right thing and then gave the ultimate sacrifice, you gave your life to save that of your true Guardian.”

He paused for a moment and smiled at them both, “You did this not out of honour or duty, but out of love for your Guardian… your Mate.”

Brindle looked from Obanab to Marcus and back again, “My Mate?”  She asked, then with the help of her Guardian and mate she stood in front of the Spirit Man.  It took her several moments to get her balance and when she couldn’t figure out why she felt so unsteady on her feet, she looked over her shoulder to ask Marcus.

She was stunned into silence as she started to glow and shimmer, not silver like Obanab, but in a soft gold.  Her shoulders felt tight and she shook them out only to gasp as what she saw.  A set of Angel Wings flared out either side of her back fluttering lightly and helping her to maintain her balance.

“I have wings?”  She looked around her and not only saw Marcus and Obanab, but Brae and Arias with Dmitri standing a step or two behind them.  She looked back towards Obanab and behind him she saw Chamuel, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.  “I don’t understand?”

At that moment Marcus took her right hand and held it firmly in his as both Brae and Arias stood to her left.  “Did I die?”

“Yes,” the Spirit Man said.  But this will be the last time Daughter.  You have grown, matured and gained the strength and compassion needed not only to be a true ‘Keeper’, but to be the ‘Final Keeper’.  You have drawn three Warriors to you, all who love and respect you.  All of whom I have no doubt would die to protect you, just as you did for Marcus.”

He waited for everyone to consider what he’d said, “Marcus, may be your true Guardian Brindle, but he is also as I have already said you Mate.  You will lead your three companions and together you will all bring forth a new era in keeping the balance of peace here on Earth.”

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