Chapter 18

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                                                            Chapter 18

Arias had checked every place he could think of hoping to find ‘The Keeper’ but with each place he searched he came up empty and with each disappointment he could feel his anger rising.  Never before had anyone gotten the best of him, least of all a human.  He growled to himself, “She would learn to do as she was told soon enough.”  But in the mean time, “where on earth was she?”

He finally gave up and returned to St Dominic’s intending to speak to Father Adrian, but he was in a meeting and he was told could not be disturbed.  This did not put him in a happy place and in shear frustration he called out to Marcus.

Marcus, for some unfathomable reason didn’t seem to hear him, which fired his temper even more.  He was a Guardian for heaven’s sake, a seasoned Warrior to boot and he had lost his Charge!  It would not bode well if the Arch’s discovered he’d lost her, that she’d taken off and left him before he barely got to know her.

Before anger took too much of a hold Arias called to Marcus again, but still there was no answer.  He realised then that he’d have to go to the Guardian and ask for his help, if he’d give it that is.  He closed his eyes and in the flick of a moment he disappeared.

Arias had concentrated on Marcus and brought himself to where he would be, but was somewhat surprised when he realised where Marcus was.  He walked towards the campsite knowing that Obanab would not be pleased that he had appeared uninvited.  He stopped several yards away from the fire waiting to be acknowledged.  He wasn’t sure if either Obanab or Marcus has sensed him there as yet, but had no option but to wait.

Marcus knew the instant that Arias arrived, he looked up at Obanab but the Old One didn’t show any sign of knowing someone else was there.  He knew better though, he knew that Obanab would not acknowledge Arias presence until he was ready and considering he had shown up unannounced, it stood to reason that Obanab would make him wait.

They went on with what they were doing; Obanab sitting quietly while Marcus built up the fire.  It was neither hot nor cold in Obanab’s realm, but still a fire was comforting and he always had one when he had visitors. 

Obanab had summoned Marcus to him after discovering what the Arch’s had done,  he’d sent a request to the Arch’s stating that he was in need of his expertise.  He wasn’t forthcoming as to what that expertise might be, knowing the Arch’s would not deny him.

In truth he was most concerned when word had been sent on the wind that the Arch’s had made such a foolish decision concerning the two most important beings of this era.  He knew that they were trying to gain control of the situation and in doing so control of ‘The Keeper’.  He also knew that they had underestimated them both.

Obanab was old and wise and his memories of the past and of prophecies spoken were greater than any of the Arch’s, because he was far older than any including Gabriel.  That is why he knew they would not deny him Marcus. 

When Marcus arrived in Obanab’s realm he was showing open signs of missing his Charge, he was aggravated and easy to anger.  Obanab had made a special blend of tea and ordered him to drink deeply of it knowing it would calm him enough so they might speak.

Obanab waited patiently while Marcus drank and then made small talk until he could see that he’d calmed enough to discuss why he had summoned him.  Finally Obanab reached out to Marcus with his mind.   “I know what the Arch’s have done!”

Marcus looked at him with surprise but remained silent, “A message came on the wind, a message of concern and doubt in what they have done.”  Obanab reached out and touched Marcus on the shoulder, knowing that he was in pain at the loss of his Charge.

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