Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Marcus heard the door open and looked over his shoulder to see who it was.  She should have know though, not many would dare intrude upon the High Arch.  Michael nodded to them both and Gabriel beckoned him closer to them both. 

“The gathering has been understandably curious in regard to your Charge Marcus.  From what you have said, she is exceptional, a great deal more than we had expected her to be.”  He waited for a moment then continued.  “Did I hear you correctly when you said that she transported her uncle to safety?”

Marcus nodded, “Yes, I had told her that she may perhaps be able to draw her uncle to her, but that she would not be able to transport him as she does inanimate objects.  I was astounded when I saw her do this.”  He looked at Michael and then to Gabriel, “I believe she will become the most powerful ‘Keeper’ of all time.  She will need someone by her side to help ground her, to help keep her in the light.”

“And you believe that person should be you Marcus?”  Said the High Arch as he turned and walked to one of the reading tables and sat on the edge to consider his own question.

Marcus remained silent, knowing that Gabriel needed time to think on what he’d said.  “Tell me Marcus, why should I not appoint another to remain by ‘The Keepers’ side?  Why should I choose to keep you there?”

Marcus straightened up trying to appear taller or perhaps stronger and capable.  He ignored Michael as he moved to the side so he could witness their exchange and kept his eyes on Gabriel.  He wore his stone warrior face, the one that showed no emotion and tried to put forward a sense of honour and dignity.  There was no way in heaven or hell he was being taken away from Brindle, he just needed the High Arch to realise that he was the best choice where Brindle was concerned.

“I have watched over her since her conception, the bond that created has strengthened greatly since she has awakened.   She trusts me.  I know her every thought My Lord, and she has already begun to know mine.”

Marcus paused, wanting the Arch to consider for a moment what he’d said, “Brindle speaks to me with her mind.  At first she didn’t realise she was doing so, but now it is as natural as if she is speaking with her voice.  She responds well to me teaching and even when sparring she will give her all and expect me to show her where she needs to improve.  She would not take kindly to having someone else step in to take my place.”

“Gabriel’s mouth twitched at the edge as he tried not to grin at the Guardian.  “All good answers to be sure Marcus, but what of you?  What of your need to be close to her?  Tell me why is should leave her under your protection?  What is it you ‘feel’ for your Charge Marcus?”

Marcus was surprised at the Arch’s questions, especially the last one, he thought about them for a minute or so, knowing that what he said may well determine whether he returned to Brindle or not.  “I care greatly for her My Lord.  It is as though she has become a part of me, our minds are always open to each other now, my mind rests within hers always.” 

Marcus lowered his head for a moment breaking eye contact with Gabriel, when he lifted his gaze both the Gabriel and Michael were somewhat shocked.  “She is mine to care for.  Mine to… to…” he looked a Gabriel unable to speak.

Michael spoke then, his voice full of knowing, full of care for the Guardian standing before him.  “You love her Marcus.”  It was a statement, not a question and as all three Angels stood there in the library, the realisation of what Michael had said hit Marcus like a ton of bricks.

The impact of this realisation, that he actually loved Brindle… not just any ‘Keeper’, but ‘The Keeper’, the one of prophecy… ‘The Keeper’ who was destined to save the world from evil for a millennia fairly stopped his heart from beating for several beats. 

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