Chapter 13

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                                                                      Chapter 13

Marcus sat quietly pondering the situation and just how to answer Brindle’s question.  He wouldn’t lie to her, she deserved the truth, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her either.  He opened his mouth to speak when Brae came out to join them.  He had a smile on his face and was patting his stomach like he’d thoroughly enjoyed the meal Brindle had made for him.

He nodded to both Brindle and Marcus and sat down near them, not too close as he didn’t want to intrude and also because he needed his own space.  Brindle looked at him expectantly, a gentle smile on her face.  “I must thank you My Lady.  That was a most enjoyable meal.”

Brindle’s smile widened, “No problem Brae, I like to cook.  Nothing too fancy, but it’s usually good.”  They all sat quietly enjoying the early evening and Brindle took the opportunity to really look at Brae.  She estimated his height at well over six feet; it was difficult to gage his weight as he was huge all solid muscle… and all in the right places.  His face was handsome and reminded her of an old classic sculpture… “David” she thought and smiled to herself, “the statue of David”.

Brae looked at her curiously, lifting a brow.  Brindle tried not to blush as she knew Brae was aware of her checking him out.  She looked at him again, this time focusing on his eyes.  “You have the most beautiful eyes Brae; they are like rich warm chocolate.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes quite that colour before and from what I remember, they are the same colour in Wolf form as well.”

Brae looked from Brindle to Marcus, not knowing how to respond.  In the end he nodded but remained silent letting Brindle continue to take in his appearance.  And she did!  He wore faded blue jeans a black tee shirt and worn work boots.  She took note of his skin; it was deeply tanned as if he spent a great deal of his life in the sun, but it was smooth with a natural sheen.  

Brindles’ eyes moved down to Brae’s arms, seeing the strength there.  He moved slightly and her eyes set on his hands, big strong hands with long fingers.  They were workers hands, she could see the calluses on his fingers and new that whatever work he’d done on the farm he had put his all into it.  For a fleeting moment she wondered how gentle those hands could be.

 She looked up at him again and noted a hint of a smile.  His lips were full, tempting…. kissable and she had an urge to reach out and touch them to see if they were as soft as they appeared to be.

Yes, he had a beautifully handsome face.  She looked at it as a whole, but was drawn back to his eyes and for a moment she saw sorrow.  Deep dark sorrow and she knew in that instant that he didn’t expect to survive the coming battle against evil.

She felt a shiver run down her spine and knew that if it came to it, if it was necessary and if he were there… he would die to save her.  She felt a tear escape her eye and before she could lift a hand to wipe it away Marcus had pulled her close to him.  “What is wrong little one, what has made you so sad?” 

Marcus stroked his hand down the length of her hair enjoying the silky softness of it.  “I feel your pain Brindle.  Tell me what I can do?”  Marcus did indeed feel her pain and as she looked from him to Brae she saw concern on his face as well.

She reached up to Marcus, touching his face needing an anchor and as she did so she also reached her other hand out to Brae.  He moved closer wanting to help in whatever way he could.  Brindle took his hand, entwining her fingers with his.  She took a deep calming breath and considered how to explain what she was feeling.

“So much has happened,” she began looking from one to the other then settling her eyes on the lush green grass in front of her.  “My life has change… will never be the same.  I won’t ever be the same.”

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