Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Brindle woke to find Marcus standing at the foot of her bed, for half a moment she’d thought she’d felt Angel wings flutter over her face and her shoulders.  She smiled at this thought and pushed it away knowing that even if it were true, Marcus was not about to admit to it and would never touch her in that way while she was completely aware.

“Hey,” she said to him and smiled up at her Guardian in response to the smile on his face.  “What time is it?” 

Marcus sat on the bed beside her and took her hand.  “It is morning little one, about 7.00am, you might want to rise and prepare yourself for the day.” 

She nodded and stretched her arms wide taking his hand with her as it was still in hers.  They laughed and let go of each others hold, then she climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

When she reached the doorway she turned to Marcus and said, “Thankyou!”  Then she continued on to the bathroom and a nice hot shower.  Marcus looked after her wondering exactly what she had thanked him for and decided it was best not to ask, after all he’d had more than enough to contend with during the evening.

Brindle showered and dressed came out to the living room to see what their plans for the day would be.  She looked towards her Guardian and lifted an eyebrow as if to say ‘now what’ and he motioned for her to sit. 

“Firstly little one, we need to speak with your Uncle and let him know of Kendrick, he may try to get to you through him so he will need to be aware of the danger.”

Brindle didn’t like the sound of that; she didn’t want her Uncle Adrian or anyone else for that matter in danger because of her.  “Should I call him?” She asked and at that moment there was a knock on the door making her jump! 

“Bloody hell,” she said and took a breath to slow down her pounding heart while Marcus shook his head at her colourful language.  She sent out her senses to see if she could discover who was at the door, then she looked at Marcus and said, “Uncle Adrian“, at the same time both rushing to the front door.

Marcus grabbed her arm before she reached the door, pushing her behind him for protection just in case it wasn’t her Uncle.  Brindle opened her mouth to protest, but realised there was no use and complied letting him take control.  He opened the door to find the priest in a lather of sweat and gasping for breath.  His expression turned to shock and he grabbed the priest’s shoulders and pulled him inside slamming the door behind him.

Father Adrian looked from Brindle to Marcus and said, “What’s wrong?”  He waited, not sure he really wanted to know, then pulled his niece to him wrapping his arms around her needing to hold her, needing to know she was alright. 

“Eww!” Brindle cried, “Uncle Adrian your all sweaty and yuck!”  Brindle pulled away from the priest and Marcus grabbed him on the shoulders again asking him if he was alright.

Father Adrian looked at Marcus’s and realisation hit, “I’m okay Marcus, I’m fine really.”  Marcus looked him over clearly not convinced. “Marcus”, he said, “I jogged here from the church, that’s why I’m all sweaty.”

“And yuck!”  Brindle added.

Marcus let go of the priest and stood aside so he and Brindle could precede him into the living room.  Before they could sit down Father Adrian turned on both his niece and Marcus and demanded to know what was going on. 

Brindle looked at her Uncle then her Guardian saying, “Um okay you wanna handle this or you want me to do it?”

“Someone had better handle it!” the priest said fear and frustration rising in his voice. 

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