Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Brindle woke to the feel of strong arms around her, “Marcus,” she whispered softly.  A slight smile graced her face, a face that showed little strength at that moment as it seemed leeched of all colour… all life.  Brindle looked like a ghost of who she really was and even though she felt that way too, she also felt loved and protected.

She heard a sigh and someone say, “I think she’s alright.”  Then she opened her eyes and blinked until she could see properly.  She realised she was on the couch in her living room a cushion under her head and a light rug thrown over her body.  She wasn’t exactly sure how she’d gotten there as the last thing she remembered…

“Marcus!” she all but screamed and flew to a sitting position.  Her head turning from side to side as if looking for something or someone.  She let out a sob as she realised her Guardian wasn’t there, he’d been taken away from her.  Sadness and anger welled up within her and as she closed her eyes she could swear she could still feel him holding her. “Marcus,” she whispered again and tears ran feeling down her face.

Brae lifted her so he could sit on the couch and pulled her into his lap holding her close.  “I have you My Lady, I know I’m not your Marcus, but I am here and will do what I can to ease your pain.”  Then he stroked her back, her hair and even kissed her gently on the top of her head.  He was comforting her in the only ways he knew how.  And thankfully she was responding.

Several minutes later she looked up into Brae’s face and he smiled down at her, “It will be alright My Lady, whatever it was that did this to you, we will make it right.”  She just nodded and rested her head on his shoulder not wanting to talk, not wanting to even think about what she had just experienced.

It was then that she heard him deep within her mind, “Brindle, my little one, I am here with you – always.”  This soothed her even more and she could feel calm engulfing her slowly, bringing her breathing back to normal and easing the tenseness she had been holding in her muscles.

She sighed and opened her eyes again.  Brae was still holding her and she turned her head and saw Arias kneeling beside the couch, a look of great concern on his face.  She smiled at him wanting to let him know she was alright, she wasn’t ready to speak as yet, because she knew she would have to re-visit what has happened and she was nowhere near ready to do that just yet.

Brae brushed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead, “When you are ready My Lady, we would have you tell us what happened.  Arias watched you while I was eating, he said you looked as if dazed and your eyes glowed white as if you had been taken over by something.”

Arias took up the story from there, “You stood as a Warrior ready for battle and then your body froze as if you were unable to move.  I came forward and put my arm around you to prevent you for falling, but you remained as you were unmoving for a time.”

Arias sighed and ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, “The expression on your face changed little one, it changed to that of anguish and pain.  I called Brae to us and we lay you on the grass and watched over you.  I called to Marcus, to ask him what to do… if he had any idea of what was happening to you, but he did not answer.”  He looked at her then, “He was with you, keeping you safe, holding you to this world… was he not?”

Brindle nodded at Arias, “Yes,” she whispered then took a long slow breath letting it out and letting the memories flood back a little at a time.  But she realised, this time she felt no pain and she could distance herself from the situation enough to sort through what had happened.  “Marcus was with me Arias and as you said he held me here, he wouldn’t let me go.”

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