Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Brindle vaguely remembered closing her eyes and grabbing onto Marcus as a feeling of weightlessness engulfed her. She felt somewhat silly about it really as it only lasted for a second or two before she felt solid ground beneath her again.

She opened her eyes and found that she'd thrown her arms around Marcus's waist and was gripping him for all she was worth. She looked up at him and he was looking down at her with an amused grin on his face.

"Cute Marcus, very cute, you could have warned me... sheesh! Fine time to let me know you have a sense of humour Angel Boy." Brindle removed her arms slowly and turned away from him pretending interest in their surroundings and not the silly grin on his face.

"Marcus does he know we are coming, I mean geez did you... were you able to even let him know?"

Marcus put a hand on her shoulder and guided her towards Obanab's campsite saying, "Yes little one, I was able to send him a message to let him know we were coming."

As they approached the campsite the memories of her last visit came back to her and she unintentionally stopped dead making Marcus walk right in to her. "What is it little one?" He asked.

"Are you sure he's gonna be happy to see me, I mean I was... well I..." She sighed and turned to look at him. "Marcus last time I was here I was angry and confused, he wouldn't give me any straight answers and well... I lost my temper with him and all but told him to go to 'hell' she whispered.

Marcus put a comforting arm around her shoulders and told her that as she said, she had been angry and confused and the Spirit Man would have understood that. But it also couldn't hurt to apologise if she felt she needed too. Brindle sighed and nodded letting him lead her into the campsite.

Brindle looked around the area to see if she could spot the Spirit Man, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Okay, now what?" she asked and Marcus gestured with his hand for her to take seat by the camp fire as she had done the last time. Marcus seated himself next to her and she watched him, wanting to follow his lead figuring he knew more about the dos and don'ts in regards to Obanab and his position, whatever that really was.

She closed her eyes for a moment wanting to get a grip on the day, meeting one of the bad guys face to face and Mrs Lloyd sticking up for her. If she was honest with herself she'd have said that Mrs Lloyd's behaviour was far more surprising than some strange man showing up on her door step.

She heard someone clear their throat and for half a second her heart stopped. Marcus rested a hand on her back softly rubbing it up and down helping to comfort her and she knew for certain who she had heard. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

Brindle looked across the now lit fire into the eyes of the Spirit Man, a soft almost serene smile on his face. She watched Marcus from the corner of her eye as he nodded respectfully in greeting and she figured when in Rome and did the same. Obanab smiled at her knowing that she was following her Guardians lead, trying to be as respectful as she could, now knowing the truth of her destiny.

"It is good to see you again little one. I am interested to see how you are doing in regards to your true self... your destiny."

Brindle opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so she smiled at him and decided it was perhaps best to remain silent. Then keeping his eyes on her, he said, "Marcus, how does she fare?"

This question spiked her curiosity, she wanted to know what Marcus thought of her progress so far and as much as she wanted to turn and look at him as he answered she kept her eyes on the Spirit Man. Marcus rested both his hand in his lap now knowing that Brindle would be fine, he could feel her calmness and knew instinctively that as much as she appreciated his aid she needed to show Obanab that she was indeed becoming the person he believe her to be.

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