"I'm sick of you crying over such a Jerk!

-If you're not happy you can leave! The door is wide open!

-Oh really? But who will be a male figure to Jason, Hu? You think having a mother is enough? You're working a lot, you're not even here everyday!"

                 Kevin knew what to say to push on her touchy spot. Jason was always a hard subject, JongIn too but the fact that she shouldn't be enough for Jason and that she needed a dad to raise her son was a even more touchy subject. Her ego was hurt but not only, her heart was broken every time she would hear people talk about her being a bad mother. Hearing someone close to her saying so was even worst and tears started to flow on her face.

"Get out of my house!"

                Kevin stared at her but never move. Tiana took a book on the desk and threw it at him. It hit his chest but he stand still even if he shifted a bit not being stable because of the alcohol. She kept on throwing things at him, shouting at him to get out. She even tried to push him but he took her wrists and held them. She struggled to make him let go. She was so angered and hurt that all the filters between her mind and her mouth were broken.

"You're not going to let me go? Do you think you're so good? You think you can replace JongIn? You have no place in my heart!"

                 This simple sentence woke him. He crashed her in the wall more violently than before.

"It's only because you let that Jerk taking all the place! I would make you more happy than he ever will!" 

                He was shaking her furiously, making her back hitting the hard wall. Suddenly the sound of a broken bone could be heard and the scary scream Tiana pushed out didn't make Kevin stopped. She looked all around the room and fortunately, or not so much, she saw a little glass bottle on her desk next to her. She painfully used her wound arm to grasp on the bottle and hit Kevin's head with it. It made him dizzy enough for Tiana to be free from him. She tried to run to the living room to call for help but Kevin pulled on her legs and she fell on the floor. He hovered her and with a bloody broken nose she tried to crawl to her nightstands drawer. Kevin pulled her by her hair so she would get up and threw her on the bed. She let out a loud scream as the pain in her arm and shoulder was even worst. She felt like her arm was going to fall on the floor. She touched her back and realized she was actually bleeding. The pain from her shoulder was so intense that she hadn't realized her whole back was wounded and some glass pieces had lodge in it.

                Kevin slowly crawl on the bed and trapped Tiana's hand above her head. She started yelling at him furiously and tried to move but couldn't because of her shoulder. They locked eyes and Tiana started being even more scared. Kevin had a dark look full of lust and madness. It was sure that he had taken more than just some alcohol, he was under another drug maybe more than one and Tiana was now sure that the man in front of her was far from the man she had welcomed in her house months ago. He held her hands still with one hand and with the other he let his fingers delicately slip along her cheek, jaw, neck and when his fingers reached her cleavage she started whimpering. He drew circles just above her cleavage as she was pleading him to stop.

"Kevin, please stop.

-I will help you forget him.


-I sometimes hear you giving yourself some pleasure even if it's really not often. I can do it for you. I'm tired of hearing you screaming his name. I want to hear you scream mine and see the pleasure on your face."

I Needed to, I Had toWhere stories live. Discover now