We were still in our suits.

"Can we go to the beach?" I asked, turning around in his arms.

He nodded and smiled, placing a small kiss on my nose, causing me to scrunch up my face and shake my head as he chuckled again.


I felt like a little kid again as I ran for the water, finally free of my suit and in a stylish pair of swimming shorts. I kicked the burning sand up as I ran.

As soon as my feet hit the cold water I was instantly satisfied, all those stories about the amazing time people had at the beach were flowing through my mind and I knew that this was going to an amazing week.

I know I didn't suggest to go here, the idea of going anywhere with Enzo just didn't set well with me. But now, I didn't give a shit who was with me, this was amazing.

Enzo came up beside me putting his feet in the water.

I walked deeper into the water, being careful of the rocks and creatures swimming around.

I was only about waist deep when I looked back and saw Enzo only knee deep, not going any farther.

I gave him a confused look, the waved rocking me back and forth, "What are you waiting for?" I asked.

He just looked at me, no longer smiling. If he wasn't wearing sunglasses I would have seen his eyes and they most likely would have been looking everywhere but me.

"Oh. My. God. Can you not swim?" I asked, completely shocked.

"Don't say it like that." He scolded.

"Enzo." I said, walking back up, letting the waves guide me, "You really can't swim?"

I could feel his glare through his sunglasses and I couldn't help but laugh.

He punched my shoulder, rather hard and I fell on my ass in the water, right on a rock. "Ow!" I hissed while still laughing.

"Liam." Enzo scolded, helping lift me back up.

"I'm sorry." I managed as I controlled my laughter, "How does a trained murderer, a Mafia boss, not know how to swim? What would happen if your only escape was through a lake?" The way that I handled that fact that he killed people for a living was to lightly joke about it, then it seemed slightly less true.

"I just never learned." I said flatly.

I paused for a long moment, "Would you like to?" I found my self asking, no teasing in my voice.

"You'd be willing to teach me?" He asked, surprise slightly in his voice.

"Sure, it can't be that hard to teach a grown man how to swim." I said halfheartedly.

It was definitely harder than I thought. Just trying to get Enzo to get passed the water that stopped at his knees was a struggle alone.

"Enzo, your going to be fine, your not going to drown if the water touches your thigh." I huffed as I took his hand and started dragging him out of his comfort zone.

His hand began to tighten on mine as we were in the water that was just about to the waist line.

The waves slightly moved us and Enzo placed a hand on my shoulder to stay balanced.

We were in water past our waist when Enzo's hand permanently rested on my shoulder and his other hand squeezed mine ever so tightly.

I turned to face Enzo and smiled at his stiff face. The waves pushed us a little harder being this far out and that made Enzo even more scared, but the waved never capped, it was thankfully, a very calm day.

My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [Complete]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora