after class, kiba walked me to my next one. he pouted. "see ya tonight. we need to stop by the frat house to get you some clothes then a movie?" i asked. "i...i like your clothes," he whispered. i looked him up and down. they are quite flattering on him. i wonder what kakashi would look in them. tsk... sexy as fuck like always. "yeah but....i like it better when the clothes come off. i like the smoothness of pulling your jeans off before flipping you on your stomach and slowly sliding off your undies, revealing that a-" he quickly covered my mouth, his face redder than a tomato. "ok! we can get some of my clothes," he whispered. i grinned. i pulled him into a kiss. i pulled away, putting my forehead against his. "ill see ya later," i said. he nodded before taking off. i walked into class.

i could tell kakashi was really uncomfortable with me looking at him. he kept stumbling over the words when our eyes would meet. i wish i could mentally scream 'IVE SEEN YOU NAKED' just to throw him off. he asked me a question. i texted the answer to him. his phone buzzed. he glared at me. i shrugged. he didn't break eye contact as he dug out his phone from those slacks that are one size too small. he looked at the message. he just nodded. im totally gonna mess with him for a minute after class. i texted kiba and told him to meet me at the car.

class was finally over. he let us out five minutes early and packed his things lightning fast, probably already guessing what im gonna do. "oh and mr hatake! i need to talk to you for a minute!" i called before he could leave. there were still people in the class so he couldn't say no. he sighed before returning to the front. i waited till everyone left as i headed up to the front. "what can i help you with, mr (l/n)," he growled, clearly annoyed at the texting during class. "you should be happy i didn't steal it in class," i said as i pulled his mask down and placed my lips against his. i could tell he hated that he liked this. i pulled away. he wiped his mouth before pulling his mask back up. "you are turning into obito," he grumbled. "im better cause you actually liked it when i pounded you into the bed," i smirked. "you better not tell anyone about this," he grunted, jabbing my chest with his finger. "im gonna need something to keep me quiet," i grinned. "what? i thought we agreed that if i ever needed know, then you would help me out," he grumbled. "im just playing with you, kakashi. im perfectly capable of keeping my mouth shut...for a price," i said. "what ever it is, no. fuck no," he grunted. "a kiss after class every day," i said. "hell no," he grunted. "what? that's literally three times a week, babe. im sure you can handle it. ill see you Monday, unless you are in the mood then you can call me. ill ditch my boyfriend for you any time," i said. i pecked his forehead before heading out, leaving him dazed and confused.

kakashi pov

i sighed. of course that was probably the worse mistake of my life. just letting him think he had a chance was stupid of me. i gathered up my things and headed out the door, walking right into a guy. he stumbled back. "you ok man?" i asked. he looked up at me. my eyes widened. he just grinned. "nope, im completely messed up about it. can we talk?" he gave me puppy dog eyes. i sighed. "we aren't getting back together so im sure this is pointless but sure," i said, inviting him in the classroom.

we sat down at two desks next to each other. "sooo...." he started. "why are you here, iruka? im good. i dont need you, nor do i want you. im not interested in messing around with a married man," i grunted. "im in the middle of a divorce," he said. "sounds tough. still no chance though," i said. he sighed. "i cant say im sorry enough. you have something i need and im willing to do whatever i need to do to get you back. however long it takes, ill earn your forgiveness. i...i miss you. i miss you every day so much that i cry myself to sleep every night when you aren't there. i just wanna-" i stopped him with a hand. "i dont. ive gotten over you pretty quickly, thanks to a certain guy..." my face felt hot," ...who i happened to have some feelings for right now. is there anything else you need, mr Sarutobi?" i asked. his face twisted into a grimace. "who is he?" he grunted. "john but why does t-" he stood up and walked out. shit! my fucking slip up! i sighed. i just hope he doesn't do anything crazy to the poor kid.

Something I Can't Have (Seme Male Reader x Kakashi) {Naruto Shippuden}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora